Examining the Belgian Administrative System: Resignation and Mindset Issues

2023-10-21 05:06:00

Beyond his resignation, this raises the question of the entire organization of the Belgian administrative system. You must also be able to examine your conscience. How can a file stay on a desk for more than a year without worrying anyone? It’s also a mindset issue.

Did the MR a “disruptive” proposition regarding this as part of his new program?

Yes, development cooperation and the issuance of visas must be conditional on having readmission agreements with the countries of origin. Today, foreign dignitaries and their families like to come to Europe to go to the beautiful boutiques, but there will no longer be visas for them without an agreement. Then, administrative and judicial follow-up for people registered and who are illegally staying must be much faster. People on file (and illegally staying, Editor’s note) must go to a closed center and they must be sent back without delay. This comes at a certain cost. But if it’s the price of security, it’s not a big deal.

Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR): “We must stop believing in the existence of a Michel clan, a Reynders clan. All of that has been shattered”

Is Belgium lax?

We can’t be so tough on speeding and leave people who represent a real danger on the road. Today, we have around 600 people who are registered as radicalized. State Security itself said that it might not control them all. Each time an attack takes place, it means that the State has failed in its primary task, which is to ensure the security of citizens.


Each time an attack takes place, it means that the State has failed in its primary task, which is to ensure the security of citizens.”

Islamism has been debated in Belgium and Europe for several years. Is he a threat to our democracies?

What is Islamism? Le Larousse says that Islamism aims to make Islam a political movement. From the moment we want to use a religion to manage the City, we have a problem. Islamism is a problem. The Islamization of society is a problem. It is neither Islam, nor the Jewish religion, nor the Christian religions to dictate the functioning of society. However, I am a believer. Have we learned lessons from the attacks in Brussels in 2016? No. A whole section of the political class does not realize the dangers of Islamism. When we accept signs of conviction in the administration, we break down a dam. When we accept “reasonable accommodations” in swimming pools, we bring down a dam.

In connection with this Islamization and the new tragedies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, do you feel a new anti-Semitism rising in Belgium?

In Belgium, it is no longer possible to brandish an Israeli flag without it arousing fear, fear, and rejection of the person waving it. It is not normal. In a democracy, the way Jews are treated is an indicator. When their political position and their security are more guaranteed, democracy is going very badly.


In a democracy, the way Jews are treated is an indicator. When their political position, their security, is more guaranteed, it means that democracy is going very badly.”

Letter to the imams: “It is time for you to carry out an important self-criticism” Georges-Louis Bouchez sitting at his office as president of the MR. This Sunday, October 22, his party will validate a series of strong electoral proposals with a view to the 2024 elections. ©JC Guillaume

Is there Islamist entryism in Belgium?

Clearly. I would like to add that the first victims of Islamism are Muslims. Victims of terrorism and victims of the fact that Islamism is the useful idiot of the far right. Every time the Islamists win, the far right wins. It’s an explosive dialectic. Through ignorance, blindness and electoralism, part of the political class does not realize the dramatic consequences of the Islamization of our societies and certain neighborhoods. This affects the PTB, the PS and Écolo. Écolo made the clear choice of communitarianism. Since Zoé Genot’s leaflet in 2019 (the Ecolo elected official had distributed an electoral leaflet in Laeken aimed at attracting Muslims, Editor’s note), everything has gone in this direction…

Brussels MP Zoé Genot (Ecolo) stops politics: “She is a major figure in political ecology”

You are forcing the point…

Today, there is a communitarian struggle between the PS, Ecolo and the PTB. They exploit the Muslim electorate. They lock up young people of Muslim culture and manipulate them by making them believe that community withdrawal will be their only salvation. We too, at MR, have many representatives of diversity in our ranks. But they are not in withdrawal. They are open to society, as children of Belgian liberal democracy.


Through ignorance, blindness and electoralism, part of the political class does not realize the dramatic consequences of the Islamization of our societies and certain neighborhoods.”

The Muslim Brotherhood, a threat not to be neglected according to Belgian intelligence

“The MR no longer wants mutual societies to do anything other than reimburse health care”

Among the programmatic ideas that Georges-Louis Bouchez will submit to liberal activists this Sunday, the functioning of mutual societies occupies an important place. According to him, everything must change… “The MR no longer wants mutual societies to do anything other than reimburse health care and support patients. We eliminate everything else, in fact. No more optical companies, no more pharmacies, no more insurance companies like P&V, no more festivals like Solidarities in Namur… Why change this system? Because mutual societies provide unfair competition to small opticians and pharmacists. And they play a political role by taking control of certain hospitals. They prevent the realization of certain policies. For example, in La Louvière, we are unable to merge two hospitals which are located one street apart only because the socialist mutuality does not want this merger.

A referendum on the time limitation of unemployment benefits

Another “break”: the MR officially opts in favor of establishing the possibility of holding referendums. “This is completely new for the MR. This must not be done under any conditions: it will be necessary to obtain a majority in the three Regions of the country. And, to launch the referendum, a decision by parliament or a significant percentage of the population would be required. The questions might not relate to subjects contrary to international texts, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We might not reinstate the death penalty by referendum…” An idea of ​​a subject to be treated as a priority? “The time limitation of unemployment benefits, since the political world is paralyzed on the issue.”

Georges-Louis Bouchez is not going to make friends in mutual societies. In particular at Solidaris… ©JC Guillaume
#GeorgesLouis #Bouchez #Libre #communitarian #struggle #Ecolo #PTB #exploiting #Muslim #electorate



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