Examining Cancel Culture and the History of Africa: A Critical Perspective

2023-05-07 12:16:13

What do you think of the so-called “cancel culture” ?
There’s something violent in the way of unboltingto erase. Buthe history of the African continent cannot be written by victors alone. I don’t see why the statue of the general Faidherbe“great peacemaker of Saint-Louis”, who was however the agent of colonization, who looted villages, cut off heads, would be enthroned with the inscription “the grateful Senegalese nation”. To be grateful to his executioner? That is problematic. You have to be serious. One cannot glorify the one who has been the agent of extreme violence.even once morest us. These statues must disappear from public space, but not from history: they are found in museums, archives, libraries.

From qwell collaboration pdo you speak when you say: “we must no longer collaborate in our own enslavement”?

All processes of domination manufacture of consent. There are the internal servos: nour dictatorships, our bad governance, our corrupt elites. And the external ones:he inequalities that come from the international order with neocolonialismthe imperialism that continues The struggle is on these two fronts, internal and external.

How to describe the period following colonization ?

We have suffered civilizational injunctions. We were told that we are “underdeveloped.” Or uonly plant grows! A photograph too! Or érig a shape as the only one valid, it is absolute poverty. If we integrate deep into our psyche that we are in delayrd… we forget to be there height of its own peculiarities. The progress is a nice idea. But the question is: what do we put in it? There is material progress, but also relational progress. You have to get out of sight extractiviste of our economy and this violent relationship to social bodies.

You say that the African continent is characterized by a relational economy… That is to say?

The relational economy first produces the relationship, before a quantitative exchange. Au Senegal, for example, in market, the price is nots tagged. YOU start with Merchantr. You create a relationship, and from that moment the exchange takes place. On creates trust capital. It’s a way not to disembed the economic act of social exchange. Multinationals are beginning to understand this – but for their part, it’s just a tool additional to make profit.

What path still needs to be traveled‘Africa in terms of ecology?

Governments, in their desire to catch up with northern industries, say: “We too have the right to pollute!” Often, therefore, they do not put the ecological question at the heart of their policies. And yet, in the way of beinge from the mainland, we have what I call “the first ecologies” : rural communities have articulated intelligent relationships between collectives of existing, animals, plants… It is an interesting ecology but which is nott not theorized.

Africa is the continent that emits the least greenhouse gasesless than 5%. Et yet, she is among the first victims of climate change and in each COP, we are fooled. CIt’s a fool’s trade, COP following COP. It would take an ecological revolution that comes from the African elites. We can set up green economies. We are not the most industrialized, that is to say that we can do differently we can encore invent, fork. In Europe, it will take close spaces to open others. Whereas on the African continent, we don’t have to close : ihere is a real opportunity to be people who lead this ecological revolution.

“L“Africa will once once more become the spiritual lung of the world”do you write. Ce would be good news?

When you look at African cultures, I have the impression that they put Spirituality at the heart of their relationship to reality. For what do we live ensemble ? In which but ? It seems to me that thehas beauty, poetry, harmony, the sublime, inner peace… are ends that mannity share whole !

#Felwine #Sarr #Africa #spiritual #lung #world



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