“exaBase Generative AI” to be featured in “Legal AI-led Solution Service Market Trends 2024 Edition”

ExaWizards Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Makoto Haruta; hereinafter ExaWizards) is pleased to announce that its corporate ChatGPT service “exaBase Generative AI” has been ranked number one in market share for 2023 in a survey conducted by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute. In addition, it was ranked number one in six fields, including SI services and education services, as well as the overall market for corporate generative AI solution services, including the AI ​​software development environment “exaBase Studio.”

The ExaWizards Group continues to incorporate user feedback into its generation products to add new features and make improvements. Regarding the results, Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute stated, “ExaWizards’ exaBase Generation AI has been well received by corporate users, primarily large corporations, for its RAG, which safely connects internal data to streamline each company’s unique operations, security assurance through single sign-on, and visualization of work reduction time.”

This time, ExaWizards has achieved the number one share in the 2023 corporate generative AI market in the following categories.
The figures are estimates by the Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute. The product license is exaBase Generative AI, the SI service is the AI ​​software development environment “exaBase Studio”, and the estimates and calculations are for individual integration projects.

(Source: Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute, “Market Trends for Corporate AI Implementation Solution Services 2024 Edition”
(Published on August 7, 2024)

[Overall generative AI solutions market]

・Overall solutions for introducing AI generation for corporations: 14.9%
[Generative AI product service]

Product licensing: 36.8%
・Product license “General-purpose LLM/generative AI collaboration system” 48.2%
・Product license “General-purpose LLM/generative AI collaboration system_OpenAI” 48.2%
[Generative AI/SI services]

・SI service “Individual company specialized LLM development” 75.0%
・SI service “Individual company-specific LLM development for general-purpose LLM/generative AI” 88.2%
[Generative AI training and education services]

・Educational services: 72.7%
(Note: The data is for fiscal year 2023. Sales-based estimates by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute.)

ExaWizards launched the exaBase Generative AI service in June 2023, and in October of the same year established Exa Enterprise AI, a company specializing in the planning, development, and sales of generative AI services, including exaBase Generative AI. As of July 2024, exaBase Generative AI is used by more than 50,000 users at approximately 550 companies.
exaBase Studio will be officially launched in November 2023, and a service to optimize the RAG of data integration services will be announced in May 2024.

For more information, please see the following URLs.
exaBase Generates AI
exaBase Studio exabase/studio/

[ExaWizards Company Overview]

Company name: ExaWizards Inc. (Stock code 4259)
Location: 5F Sumitomo Fudosan Mita Twin Building East Wing, 4-2-8 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: February 2016
Representative: President and CEO Makoto Haruta
Business description: Industrial innovation and solving social issues through the development of services using AI

ExaWizards Public Relations Email: publicrelations@exwzd.com



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