Ex-US ambassador Carla Sands causes ridicule with a Danish tweet

«Danes too poor for cars»

Ex-US ambassador gets mockery with Gaga tweet

Republican Carla Sands (61) lived in Denmark for years. Nevertheless, she acts on Twitter as if the middle class could not afford a car there. Does she perhaps think that English is not understood in Europe? The Internet is hailed with scorn and ridicule.

Published: 9:19 p.m


Updated: 10:50 p.m

Under former US President Donald Trump (75), Carla Sands (61) was American Ambassador to Denmark. In 2021 she was recalled by the new President Joe Biden (79). This year, the Republican ran for the Senate nomination, but failed in the primaries in Pennsylvania. However, Sands remains true to her political commitment to Trump and against Biden: A few days ago she wanted to stir up sentiment against Biden again – and got a lot of criticism in the process.

Sands lived in Denmark from 2017 to 2021 and should know the country very well. Nevertheless, a few days ago she shared a CNN post about the rising price of gasoline in the USA with the following words on Twitter: “I’ve seen this before. In Denmark, middle-class citizens cannot afford to drive. You have a bike and take the train for longer journeys. My driver at the embassy drove an hour through the snow to get to work. This is the future Team Biden wants for Americans. Is that what you want too?”

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