Ex-RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years

LKA President Friedo de Vries said she did not resist her arrest. During the search, investigators said they found magazines from a weapon and cartridges, among other things. A weapon has not yet been found.

The police arrived with numerous special forces.

The arrest by target investigators was preceded by years of investigative work led by the Verden public prosecutor’s office. It accuses the accused of “among other things, several acts of robbery and attempted murder, which she is said to have committed together with her alleged accomplices Ernst-Volker Staub and Burkhard Garweg,” as the LKA statement said. The search continues for 69-year-old Staub and 55-year-old Garweg. The trio Klettedust and cooking path is assigned to the so-called third RAF generation.

Another man arrested

Shortly after the arrest of Klette However, the investigators arrested another person in Berlin. It is a man in the “desired age group,” said de Vries. The identity of the arrested person is still being clarified. It is not certain whether his identification document is real.

RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years


The German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) announced the arrest of Klette: “The constitutional state has shown its persistence and staying power. Nobody should feel safe underground.” “The arrest shows that the perseverance of the investigative authorities is paying off,” said Berlin’s Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (independent).

RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years


According to a neighbor, the former RAF terrorist is said to have lived under the first name Claudia. In order to earn money, she is said to have given private tutoring in mathematics, said the middle-aged neighbor. It is said that she lived there on the 5th floor for around 20 years. He met me more often Klettewho used a different last name. Klette but I only maintained rather superficial contacts with the neighborhood. “She always said hello and was actually quite nice,” said a young person from the neighborhood. “I only ever saw her alone with her dog and her bike.” Klette Several neighbors say he was never accompanied.

RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years

Image: Sina Schuldt (dpa)

Klette According to dpa information, he is suspected of being involved in a gun attack on the US embassy in Bonn in 1991. It is also suspected that she was involved in an explosive attack on the Weiterstadt correctional facility in 1993. Traces indicate that she was also at the crime scene during the 1993 anti-terror operation in Bad Kleinen, Mecklenburg. The police officer Michael Newrzella and the RAF man Wolfgang Grams died in the action. Former RAF terrorist Birgit Hogefeld was arrested.

RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years
An inconspicuous house where the former RAF terrorist was arrested.

Representatives of the third RAF generation are said to have killed the then head of Deutsche Bank, Alfred Herrhausen, and Treuhand boss Detlev Karsten Rohwedder. The perpetrator and motive are still unknown today. Rohwedder was shot dead at his desk in his home in Düsseldorf on April 1, 1991. The RAF command claimed responsibility for the crime. It was the last assassination attempt attributed to the RAF.

RAF terrorist Klette caught after more than 30 years


The authorities throw away garbage, dust and Klette attempted murder and a series of aggravated robberies between 1999 and 2016. The crime scenes were therefore in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia. The public prosecutor’s office assumes that the attacks were not politically motivated. The accused are said to have committed the crimes in order to get money.


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