Ex-professional cyclist Denifl admits some guilt

On Monday, two team managers requested the hearing of witnesses in order to ascertain whether Denifl’s contracts and sporting achievements came regarding. When the negotiations can be continued exactly, is not certain for the time being. Judge Sabine Krainer spoke of a possible trial day in late summer or early autumn. According to Krainer, the four witnesses should at best be questioned in a video conference on one day.

In January 2021, Stefan Denifl was sentenced to two years in prison, including 16 months, for serious commercial sports fraud – more on that in Stefan Denifl sentenced to two years in prison. The 34-year-old had been accused of blood doping between 2014 and 2018 and thus taking part in competitions. According to the indictment, he is said to have deceived the organizers and supporters and caused bonuses and team fees of over 580,000 euros to be paid out.


Last year, Stefan Denifl was sentenced to two years in prison – 16 months of which was conditional – for serious commercial sports fraud.

The Supreme Court reversed the first judgment

The ruling at that time was overturned by the Supreme Court because, according to it, it was necessary to clarify, among other things, the criminal liability of foreign races and the damage with regard to the contracts with the teams. “The Supreme Court has given us a whole range of tasks,” said the defendant’s defense attorney in court.

Denifl admitted in the first trial that he had carried out blood doping with the help of the German sports doctor Mark S. However, he had denied cheating on anyone. He always fulfilled all contracts, said the Tyrolean at the time.

“Sporting performance is not worthless through doping”

On Monday, the ex-professional cyclist pleaded “partially guilty” because he “was in an employment relationship” for only some of the accused points and races. According to Denifl, the “Austria-Radrundfahrt” is affected by this. His defense attorney also argued that Denifl’s sporting performance was not rendered worthless by the “doping measures”.

There is no damage, which is why an acquittal should be pronounced. In addition, the question must also be asked whether Austrian legislation should be applied at all, especially since many of the charges also relate to Switzerland and Ireland, argued the lawyer.

Tracked down during “Operation Bloodletting”.

The public prosecutor had previously held short. “According to the Supreme Court, some findings are still missing”, otherwise he only wants to “refer to the previous proceedings”, according to the public prosecutor. It is clear, however, that the OGH did not speak of the fact that “doping is not punishable” through the annulment and in the “tasks” for the second legal process.

The winner of the 2017 Tour of Austria was tracked down during “Operation Aderlass” at the Nordic World Ski Championships in Seefeld. Blood bags from Denifl were found at the German sports doctor Mark S. Denifl faces one to ten years in prison.



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