Ex-NASA engineer claims to have discovered revolutionary, fuel-free thruster

2024-04-24 06:00:03

If Charles Buhler speaks the truth, he can write his name forever in human history and especially in it the conquest of space. This former NASA engineer and co-founder of the startup Exodus Propulsion Technologies has just made an explosive announcement… which should be taken with a grain of salt.

The man, who worked on major programs of the American space agency, such as the international space station (ISS) or the Hubble telescope, claims to have discovered a brand new one mode of progress which does not require any fuel.

And Charles Buhler already sees very far. Interrogates by the specialist online media The Debriefhe explains: “There are rules that include conserving energy, but if done right, we can generate forces that humanity has never done before. […] NWe will use this power to propel objects for the next thousand years…until something new comes along.”

This discovery, which will undoubtedly be closely studied by the scientific community, was announced during a presentation at the Alternative Propulsion Energy Conference (APEC, “Alternative Propulsion Energy Conference”). It would be based on a “new force”: electrostatics.

Charles Buhler: must prove himself

The engine developed by Charles Buhler’s team is currently not very powerful, as it only produces 10 millinewtons. “To put this into perspective, holding a mass of regarding 100 grams, or a medium-sized apple, in the palm of your hand exerts 1 newton, or a hundred times more force.”, suggests futurism. Not a problem for Charles Buhler, who is already considering applications far from Earth’s gravity.

“Size doesn’t matter, since anything bigger than zero would work in space!is the American engineer already enthusiastic. Our materials are composed of many types of charge-carrying coatings that must be supported on a dielectric film [donc non conducteur, ndlr].”

However, Charles Buhler is aware that his discovery leaves many observers skeptical. “It is very difficult to imagine from a scientific point of view, because it seems to violate many existing energy laws”, he said to Tim Ventura, for exampleco-founder and moderator of APEC, during a conference in December 2023, adding that he hoped to soon be able to demonstrate it inroom.

We wish him the best of luck, hoping that the “Buhler engine” becomes a reality and one day gets its chapter in the history books, or at least the Wikipedia page.

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