Ex-Ibero-American Leaders Call for Accountability in Venezuelan Fraudulence

A group of former Ibero-American presidents, who are part of the Freedom and Democracy Group, stated that any attempt at fraud in the presidential elections to be held on Sunday in Venezuela must be sanctioned by the international community.

«Any attempt at fraud must be punished with the maximum sanctions, and effective international prosecution must be carried out against Nicolás Maduro and his closest circle.“, Liberty and Democracy said in a statement.

Ten candidates will participate in Sunday’s elections, including Nicolás Maduro and former ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and who leads the voting intention, according to traditional pollsters.

«Despite the obstacles imposed by the dictatorship, an electoral process will take place on July 28 in which figures such as María Corina Machado and Corina Lloris have been disqualified. Today, Edmundo González has united the resistance, thanks to the leadership of María Corina Machado, showing broad popular support in the face of little support for the dictator.“the former presidents said.

They also expressed confidence that Venezuela will begin a new “path towards democracy” that will involve a “Political, economic and social rebirth after years of the region’s biggest migration crisis«.

«Given the reality that Venezuela faces today, there are only two possible scenarios on July 28: the resounding triumph of democratic effervescence or the abusive theft of the elections by the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro.“warned the Freedom and Democracy Group.

The group is made up of the Dominican president, Luis Abinader, and the former presidents of the Spanish Government, José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy, as well as the former presidents Mario Abdo Benítez, from Paraguay; Jeanine Áñez and Jorge Quiroga, from Bolivia; Felipe Calderón and Vicente Fox, from Mexico, and Iván Duque and Andrés Pastrana, from Colombia.

Former presidents Osvaldo Hurtado, Jamil Mahuad and Guillermo Lasso of Ecuador; Rafael Calderón and Miguel Ángel Rodríguez of Costa Rica; Mireya Moscoso of Panama; and Mauricio Macri of Argentina are also part of this initiative. Juan Guaidó and former governor of Puerto Rico Luis Fortuño are also members.

#IberoAmerican #presidents #attempt #fraud #Venezuela #punished
2024-09-06 23:57:11

Here ⁢are some PAA-related questions⁢ for the title ⁤**Venezuela’s Presidential Election: International Community Warns⁣ of Fraud ‌and Calls for Democracy**:

Venezuela’s Presidential Election: ⁢International Community Warns of Fraud and Calls for Democracy

On‌ July 28, Venezuela held its ⁢presidential election, with ten candidates participating, including incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and ⁣former ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia, who led‌ the voting intention according to traditional pollsters [[2]]. The election has been marred by concerns of ⁤fraud and electoral manipulation, with⁣ a group ​of former Ibero-American presidents, part of the Freedom and Democracy Group, warning ‌that any attempt at fraud must ⁣be sanctioned by the international community.

In a statement, the Freedom and Democracy Group emphasized that “any attempt​ at fraud must be punished with the maximum sanctions, and effective ‌international prosecution must be carried out against Nicolás Maduro and his closest circle” [[1]].⁤ The group, comprised of former leaders‌ from ‌the Dominican‍ Republic, Spain, and other countries, expressed confidence that Venezuela ‍will begin a ​new “path towards democracy” that ⁤will involve a ⁤”political, economic and social rebirth after years of the region’s biggest migration⁢ crisis” [[1]].

The⁢ Venezuelan election has been overshadowed by concerns of electoral manipulation and fraud. The opposition has‌ accused⁤ President ‌Maduro’s government of attempting to rig the election, while the government has denied any wrongdoing. The Freedom and Democracy Group warned that there are only​ two possible scenarios on election day:‍ “the ⁣resounding ⁤triumph ⁣of democratic ⁣effervescence or the abusive‍ theft of ⁣the elections by the ​dictatorial regime⁤ of Nicolás Maduro” [[1]].

The election has been marked by controversy, with opposition candidates María Corina Machado and Corina Lloris being⁣ disqualified from running. However, Edmundo González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), has united the resistance, ⁤thanks to the leadership‌ of María Corina Machado, showing broad⁣ popular⁢ support in the face of little support for the ⁣dictator [[1]].

In the aftermath of the election, Venezuela’s Supreme Court has‍ backed President Maduro’s claims that he won the election, and said that voting tallies ⁤published by the National Electoral Council are valid [[3]].‌ However, the international community remains wary ⁤of the⁢ election’s legitimacy, with many ‌calling for a thorough​ investigation into​ allegations of fraud and electoral‌ manipulation.

The Venezuelan presidential election has significant implications for the region, with the country facing a deepening economic ‌crisis, widespread poverty, and a ⁤massive migration crisis. The international community is watching ⁢closely, calling for a democratic⁣ and transparent electoral ⁤process that reflects the ‌will of the Venezuelan people. ‍As the‍ Freedom and‌ Democracy Group warned, any attempt at fraud ‌or ‌electoral manipulation must be met with swift and decisive action from ⁢the international community.



<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024Venezuelanpresidential_election”>[2]


What are the international community’s concerns regarding the legitimacy of Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election?

Venezuela’s Presidential Election: International Community Warns of Fraud and Calls for Democracy

On July 28, Venezuela held its presidential election, with ten candidates participating, including incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and former ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia, who led the voting intention according to traditional pollsters [[2]]. The election has been marred by concerns of fraud and electoral manipulation, with a group of former Ibero-American presidents, part of the Freedom and Democracy Group, warning that any attempt at fraud must be sanctioned by the international community.

In a statement, the Freedom and Democracy Group emphasized that “any attempt at fraud must be punished with the maximum sanctions, and effective international prosecution must be carried out against Nicolás Maduro and his closest circle” [[1]]. The group, comprised of former leaders from the Dominican Republic, Spain, and other countries, expressed confidence that Venezuela will begin a new “path towards democracy” that will involve a “political, economic and social rebirth after years of the region’s biggest migration crisis” [[1]].

The Venezuelan election has been overshadowed by concerns of electoral manipulation and fraud. The opposition has accused President Maduro’s government of attempting to rig the election, while the government has denied any wrongdoing. The Freedom and Democracy Group warned that there are only two possible scenarios on election day: “the resounding triumph of democratic effervescence or the abusive theft of the elections by the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro” [[1]].

The election has been marked by controversy, with opposition candidates María Corina Machado and Corina Lloris being disqualified from running. However, Edmundo González Urrutia, the standard-bearer of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), has united the resistance, thanks to the leadership of María Corina Machado, showing broad popular support in the face of little support for the dictator [[1]].

In the aftermath of the election, Venezuela’s Supreme Court has backed President Maduro’s claims that he won the election, and said that voting tallies published by the National Electoral Council are valid [[3]]. However, the international community remains wary of the election’s legitimacy, with many calling for a thorough investigation into allegations of fraud and electoral manipulation.

The Venezuelan presidential election has significant implications for the region, with the country facing a deepening economic crisis, widespread poverty, and a massive migration crisis. The international community is watching closely, calling for a democratic and transparent electoral process that reflects the will of the Venezuelan people.

The Freedom and Democracy Group, comprising of former presidents from across the region, has urged the international community to take



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