ex-husband Borodina was corrected by a young passion with blond hair (photo)

Blogger Lena Miro spoke in her LiveJournal about Kurban Omarov. She is sure that after breaking up with Ksenia Borodina, he became much better.

More interesting news in ours Telegram channelis “Star dust”.

According to the shark of the pen, Omarov reflected the behavior of the brawler-Borodina, who loved to swear, and looked like a gopnik, and now, under the influence of a young blond passion, he forgot about bullying and turned into a touching romantic.

“After the divorce, Kurbanchik had a young girl, and he became better: he doesn’t bullshit, he doesn’t pretend to be a gopnik from a pissed gateway. I really love well-bred and good-natured women. I will say more: in a good upbringing and good disposition is our female strength. A man can flare up, yell. You, my paws, in no case should stoop to his level, ”Miro wrote.

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