Ex-director of “Chertanovo” Larin was sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony. Damage from his actions – 36 million rubles – Football

The court sentenced the former director of the academy “Chertanovo” Nikolai Larin.

He was sentenced to three years in prison in a penal colony of general regime. Sports.ru Alexander Golovin.

Larina found guilty in the commission of two crimes under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”).

According to “Sport-Express”court installedthat the total damage from the actions of the functionary amounted to 36 million and 211 thousand rubles.

It was reportedthat the prosecutor requested 4 years and 4 months in prison for Larin.

“I was left without money at the age of 50, I will sell my father’s paintings.” Larin from “Chertanovo” – about “dead souls”, a crazy system and a debt of 36 million

“I understand that it’s my fault, but it was a dream to do something special in football.” The last word of the ex-director of “Chertanovo” Nikolai Larin

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