Ex-Bayern star Markus Babbel: Clear words towards Manuel Neuer Sports

An ex-star is now also getting involved in the ski accident discussion about Manuel Neuer (36) – who knows about ski tours …

Markus Babbel (50) says on “888sport”: “Of course, Neuer unnecessarily put a big egg in Bayern’s nest with his injury. That was very negligent. I’m Bavarian and I can say that no Bavarian goes on a ski tour in 10 centimeters of snow – that’s really life-threatening. I don’t know what he was thinking. Those responsible will certainly not have been pleased either. You just had to look painfully, also financially speaking, at how the problem could be solved.”

Newbie on crutches in rehab

Photo: manuelneuer/Instagram

But Babbel believes in the new comeback: “He is an outstandingly good goalkeeper, the goalkeeper of the last decade, who has had an incredibly strong influence on the game nationally and internationally and, above all, revolutionized it. His problem now is that he has set the bar so high and is not really up to it himself at the moment. The question that arises with Neuer is: Will he come back like this in the summer? The injury is very serious, he’s not getting any younger – the recovery time doesn’t decrease with injuries. But Bayern also has to think short-term and must not jeopardize the sporting goals. But as long as Neuer is still burning, which is fundamentally important, he will attack again.”

The former Bayern star would find a duel between Neuer and Sommer very exciting from the summer: “I can imagine that they now want Neuer to prove himself again and compete with Sommer. Every field player is in competition – why Shouldn’t the goalkeeper be too? Maybe it’s good for Neuer if he’s pulled out of his oasis of well-being and has to go into a duel. That can give you an extra push. Sommer is a Swiss national keeper, his nation has overtaken Germany by far – he has to never hide, even if he knows who is standing in front of him. It’s a very exciting constellation.”

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