Everything You Need to Know About Pharmacists Prescribing and Vaccinating: Updated Regulations for 2023

2023-09-11 08:51:00

the essentials Pharmacists can now prescribe and vaccinate directly to people who request it, a change announced in the Social Security financing law for 2023, enacted by a decree passed on August 9. How to proceed? Which vaccines are affected? La Dépêche du Midi explains.

Pharmacists can now “prescribe all vaccines mentioned in the current vaccination schedule to people aged 11 and over, with the exception of live attenuated vaccines in immunocompromised people. They can also administer these vaccines as well as vaccines against seasonal flu. To do this, the pharmacist must have followed training in administering vaccines.

The calendar

With the arrival of autumn, seasonal illnesses return. From October 17, the flu vaccination campaign will target the most vulnerable people (people aged at least 65, those younger suffering from a serious illness or with comorbidities, pregnant women but also caregivers ).

It is also on this date that the Covid vaccination booster campaign will begin. Here too, people at risk are invited to contact their pharmacist or doctor to receive a dose of vaccine. Currently, the communicated date is October 17, but the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau does not rule out an early campaign if the epidemic situation justifies it.

Like last year, pharmacists can also vaccinate against diphtheria; tetanus; poliomyelitis; measles ; mumps; rubella ; human papillomavirus (HPV) and chickenpox.

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