“Everything was black” .. Horrific confessions from the mother who committed a crime that shook Israel

After a video surfaced showing the woman walking down the street with an axe in her hand, smiling, and admitting to using it to kill her child, details of the crime that shook Israel began to emerge gradually through the woman’s statements during the investigations.

The Israeli woman described the murder of her 6-year-old son, Liam, explaining that she used an axe to commit the crime in her home in Herzliya, according to the Israeli broadcast on Friday.

The woman then left her home, barefoot and carrying the axe, and went to a shopping mall where she attacked the security guards with the axe, slightly injuring one of them before harming herself.

During her interrogation, Itzkovic said: “I took an axe and hit my son Liam and the dog. Everything around me went black. I stabbed them and ran with the axe in my hand into the street.”

Mother and son (social media)

The woman’s lawyer commented on her statements, saying: “While we can call these statements testimony, the suspect’s speech is not sequential… She is not aware of her actions.”

Her neighbor revealed that the girl’s father was serving in the Israeli army reserve forces in the Gaza Strip and was called up immediately following the crime occurred.

The grandmother found the child’s body in the house, with multiple and severe signs of violence.

While police say Itzkiewicz is aware of the suspicions and has admitted to being at the scene, other sources say she “hears voices and talks regarding supernatural beings,” the broadcaster reported.

Understanding the

Element in HTML


element is a fundamental building block in HTML, serving as a container to group and structure content on a web page. It allows developers to logically organize elements, apply styles, and create sections within their websites. While seemingly simple, the

element plays a crucial role in web development, offering flexibility and control over page layout and presentation.

What is a


In HTML, the

element is a generic container element that does not inherently have any specific meaning or styling. Its primary purpose is to act as a wrapper for other HTML elements, providing a logical grouping mechanism. You can think of it as a virtual box that you can use to hold and organize content on a webpage.

Why Use


elements offer several advantages for web developers:

  • Grouping and Structuring:
    elements allow you to logically group related content, making your HTML code more organized and readable.
  • Styling: You can apply CSS styles to
    elements to control their appearance, including background color, border, padding, margin, and more. This enables you to create visual sections, columns, or other layout elements.
  • Accessibility: Proper use of
    elements can enhance the accessibility of your website by providing context and structure for assistive technologies.
  • Semantic Meaning: While
    elements are generic, you can use them to create semantic meaning within your HTML. For example, you might use a

    with a class name like “article” to represent an article section.
  • JavaScript Interaction:
    elements can be easily targeted and manipulated using JavaScript code, allowing for dynamic content and interactive elements.

How to Use

Elements in HTML

Here’s a simple example of how to use a

element in your HTML code:

<div class="container">
  <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
  <p>This is a paragraph of text within the container div.</p>

In this example:

  • We create a
    element with the class “container.”
  • Inside the
    , we place an

    heading and a

    paragraph element.


element effectively groups the heading and paragraph together, allowing you to apply CSS styles to the entire section as a unit.

CSS Styling


You can style

elements using CSS rules. Here’s an example of how to target the

with the class “container” in the previous example:

.container {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  padding: 20px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  margin-bottom: 20px;

This CSS code will set the background color of the container to light gray, add padding, create a border, and add a bottom margin. You can customize these styles according to your design needs.

Best Practices for Using



elements are versatile, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure semantic correctness and maintainability:

  • Use Meaningful Class Names: Give your
    elements descriptive class names that reflect their content and purpose. Avoid generic names like “div1” or “box.”
  • Limit Nesting: Minimize the nesting of
    elements to improve readability and maintainability. Excessive nesting can be difficult to manage and understand.
  • Use Semantic Elements When Possible: When you have elements with specific semantic meanings, consider using more appropriate elements instead of
    elements. For example, use

    for articles,

  • Accessibility Considerations: Use ARIA attributes if necessary to provide additional information and context for screen readers and assistive technologies.


Elements: Examples


elements are primarily structural, you can enhance their semantic value by using them in conjunction with appropriate class names. For example:

  • Article Section: Use a
    with the class “article” to clearly define an article within your web page.
  • Sidebar: Utilize a
    with the class “sidebar” to create a sidebar area for additional content.
  • Footer: Use a
    with the class “footer” to represent the footer section of your website.



element is a fundamental tool in HTML, offering developers a versatile way to structure and style web pages. By following best practices and using semantic class names, you can effectively leverage

elements to create visually appealing, well-organized, and accessible websites.



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