“Everything that is domestic bores me”

She has arrived at a stage of existence where one rejoices in being a ” lady “. “I love being vintage», she concedes in a generous burst of laughter. Helena Noguerra appreciates it all the more that she says she is very happy at the moment, without, of course, allowing ourselves to be indiscreet on the subject.

Bohemian upbringing and very stickler for the rules

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This respectable rank, she can be proud to have reached at 52 without a wrinkle. It allows him to gently return the ball to the injunctions of an education that is both bohemian and very straddling the rules of Sunday decorum. “With us, it was strictly forbidden to hang around in pajamas and slippers, whereas that’s the dream, isn’t it? In the eyes of my parents, it was inconceivable to leave one’s room without being properly dressed. They might be old sixty-eighters, they would not have supported that we expose this form of intimacy at breakfast. »

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No Sunday night blues

Daughter of a high-level university musicologist and an executive secretary who fled the Salazar dictatorship in Portugal to settle in Belgium, she has since largely made up for it. In her nest, on the heights of Montmartre, the girl from the Butte now enjoys hanging out on Sunday mornings in a bathrobe and slippers. ” same “.

But the beautiful Helena may well struggle to appear under her least flattering profile, she will nevertheless remain the splendid brunette spotted as a teenager by the Indochine group to appear in their clip Your black eyesdirected by Serge Gainsbourg.​

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I loved school and my teachers. So I was often found in the front row yelling at my unruly little comrades

Since then, under the exterior of a sly academicism, she has led a career that is in exact counterpoint to the flashy outbursts of her older half-sister Lio. Helena Noguerra was not content with just one string to her bow.

Model, novelist, singer, actress or TV host, the irresistible Sophie of comedyL’Arnacœur comes back to us these days with a musical tale with a gothic flavor in the Tim Burton way: Blue Flowers/Black Weddings. The eighth album under her name, but the first on the label she has just created, the miuda. But now she has added yet another string to her bow: in June, her first play will be performed at the Théâtre du Rond-Point with Pierre Notte and Christiane Cohendy, directed by Catherine Schaub.

In slippers, but not lazy then. Because Helena Noguerra has always loved to learn. To hear it, we understand that she did not have the Sunday night blues. « I loved school and my teachers. So I was often found in the front row yelling at my unruly little comrades. I discussed reading choices, argued and won in the end.»

When I was little, we finally already lived in the future since everyone was going regarding their business, in their bubble. Me, I read comics

Nevertheless, she stopped school at 15, « bac - 3 ». Arriving from Brussels, she fell asleep lulled by the hum of the ring road and the cheers of the Parc des Princes in their new accommodation at Porte de Saint-Cloud.

Childhood remained. His Sundays today resemble those of yesterday, except for the transgression of pajamas. “I love nothing more than reading, lying in bed, writing, hanging out and chatting with people”explains this curious mind preferring to read a Kundera of his adolescence (The Unbearable Lightness of Being) than being caught up in social networks.

“Everyone is folded up on their smartphone”

“When I was little, we finally already lived in the future since everyone was going regarding their business, in their bubble. Me, I read comics, my father wrote his books upstairs, my mother listened to fado and my sister was immersed in books, hyper-concentrated. Impossible to talk to her, she mightn’t hear. What has changed is the place of the telephone: before, it was in the center of the room, everyone might listen to the messages left to each other. Now everyone is folded up on their smartphone screen. »​

An hour of jogging and brunch

If she has never adhered to the image of Epinal of breakfast in perfect dishes, following an hour of jogging, the fifties can split a brunch with all the children of the district that she ended up adopting by dint of opening his door to the neighborhood: his 31-year-old son and his friends. “In fact, given their age, it’s more like meeting up with friends”, she concedes. Chiffonnade of ham, basil mozzarella tomatoes, scrambled eggs (which she does not eat), meat croquettes, shrimp rissois, cakes and Portuguese flans, she will have done her shopping in a hurry. “Everything that is domestic bores me. Even eating, we spend too much time thinking regarding it. I cook well but quickly. »​

We guess the joyful atmosphere when we know that he always drags a guitar at home. And when night falls, reluctant to see movies on television, she can go to an old dark room on the left bank, Action Christine, 3 Luxembourg, where moviegoers share their nostalgia for a time when the love of cinema transmitted around the Sunday evening film. “Remember: I am a lady! »recalls in a new burst of laughter the young lady.



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