everyone against everyone from Liguria to Tuscany to Bari –

Look Brunello

Everyone against everyone, internal feuds, arguments between allies, endless intrigues, and in the end the “black beast” also appears: Matteo Renzi. It is the plot of the wide field, impossible to get bored, a ring that has not closed even under the August sun. While in Rome they are laboriously seeking an agreement in the name of the pile-up against Giorgia Meloni, in the suburbs the fight in the mud prevails.

The epicenter is undoubtedly Bari, the city that has been waiting for a council for over 60 days. Here the clash directly concerns the two leading ladies of the center-left: the mayor Vito Leccese and his eternal challenger Michele Laforgia (the left’s candidate in the first round), who at the beginning of the week finally met face to face, after weeks of insults in the press.

“I reiterated to the mayor – Laforgia stressed – that I am not personally interested in any position or role, but that I am ready to make every effort useful for the unity of the progressive coalition. In the next few hours, I will verify with the political forces of the Convention whether the conditions exist to participate in the government of the city”.

The subject of the dispute is an ordinance against the homeless that supporters of the criminal lawyer from Bari judge to be “Salvini-like”. Naturally, there is also division over the number of assessors for each component, in short, the agreement still seems very far away. The result is that the capital will remain without a council for a few more days, the city council is convened on August 21, while in Lecce the center-right mayor Adriana Poli Bertone has been regularly at work for over a month.

In Genoa the dispute is preventive, in the capital of Liguria there will be elections in 2027, but the M5S is using the ongoing negotiations with Andrea Orlando to obtain a commitment to push in due time for Senator Luca Pirondini as a broad-based challenger to succeed the current mayor Marco Bucci. In practice, if Giuseppe Conte finally gives the green light to Andrea Orlando, he wants in exchange the green light for his MP in the municipal elections. Then there is the issue of Matteo Renzi, the leader of Italia Viva who continues to not be particularly welcome. “The former prime minister and Carlo Calenda must abandon the right. It seems to me a preliminary condition to clean up the picture.

As for Renzi, then, I would also like him to stop exchanging romantic feelings with Mohammed Bin Salman”, are the words of the leader of Avs Nicola Fratoianni. From Campo Marzio, the offensive for the Five Stars Michele Gubitosa continues: “With Renzi I have some doubts… but not because we have it in for Renzi. Let’s clarify this concept, we personally have nothing against Renzi but we are against Renzi’s politics. Renzi enters the parties and destroys everything, from the party base to the leaders. We have already seen it with the Conte government. We have seen what he did with the PD. Unfortunately, we are worried about Renzi’s political unreliability. Then, obviously, the PD does what it wants but for us Renzi, the PD knows it, is a problem”.

A problem, therefore, difficult to solve in Liguria: if the centrists do not abandon the Bucci government, it will be difficult for the candidate of the Democratic Party to launch a large field in extra large format. Even in Tuscany, the game of the reconfirmation of the governor Eugenio Giani, is not to be considered completely closed. Those who express doubts once again are exponents of the Left, who know they will find a hearing even within the majority area of ​​the Democratic Party, which does not digest a President of the Region who five years ago was chosen by Matteo Renzi himself. In short, there is great confusion under the sky, but it cannot be said that the situation is excellent.

#Liguria #Tuscany #Bari #Tempo
2024-08-17 08:16:30



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