Every preferential vote went to Damberg

The chairman of “Section 2 Schlüsselhof/Neuschönau” knows every step of the way from the Dambergwarte. For each of the 223 preferential votes that the candidate of the Steyr SPÖ received in the 2021 local council election, he hiked up the Damberg, every week, whatever the weather. “It’s perhaps not an everyday way of saying thank you,” explained Böck.

At first he set off alone with his backpack. After he posted his hikes on Instagram, companions joined him. “We had some great conversations along the way,” says Böck. Among others, he laced up his hiking boots with the mayor, EU parliamentarian and the mayoress of St. Ulrich. During the final summit assault of these days, the SP municipal councilor rushed ahead and blew up balloons from a child’s birthday party with the numbers “2.2.3.” on the Dambergwarte.

To everyone’s surprise, the city councilor and the federal chairman of the PRO-GE union from Micheldorf, both top candidates for the National Council election, were already waiting on the platform for the mountain enthusiast, who had climbed a total of 33,450 meters. The 223 preferential votes at the time in the local council election were a very good result, but they were not enough: to the dismay of the party leadership, the SP veteran from Resthof overtook the chairman of the Young Generation with 260 preferential votes, who will be running again, much to their delight.


Hannes Fehringer

Local editor Steyr

Hannes Fehringer

Hannes Fehringer


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