Every 23 o’clock | Epidemic prevention and production are equally important, and Shanghai’s 10,000-person factory resumes work in an orderly manner; the Russian Ministry of Finance cuts oil export tariffs; Sri Lanka’s Colombo Stock Exchange will be closed for five days from the 18th_France_Time_Meeting

Original title: Every 23 o’clock | Epidemic prevention and production are equally important, Shanghai 10,000 factories resume work in an orderly manner; the Russian Ministry of Finance cuts oil export tariffs; Sri Lanka’s Colombo Stock Exchange will be closed for five days from the 18th

Every editor: Yin Hualu

1丨Equal emphasis on epidemic prevention and production, Shanghai 10,000 factories resume work and production in an orderly manner

Every time an AI Express is sent, epidemic prevention and production are handled with both hands. On the 15th, Quanta Shanghai Manufacturing City, located in Songjiang, Shanghai, applied for resumption of work and production under the premise of strict epidemic prevention, and the factory area implemented closed-loop management. Quanta Shanghai Manufacturing City has a total of 8 factories and more than 40,000 employees. The F1 and F3 factories were the first to resume work, and about 2,000 employees resumed work and production in an orderly manner. (Xinhua News Agency)

2丨The Russian Ministry of Finance cuts oil export tariffs

Every AI Express, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency reported on the 16th local time, the official website of the Russian Ministry of Finance showed that the average price of Urals oil (Urals) during the monitoring period from March 15 to April 14 was 79.81 US dollars per barrel or 582.6 per ton. Dollar. According to the calculations of the Russian Ministry of Finance, Russia’s oil export tariff will be reduced by $11.6 from May 1, 2022, to $49.6 per ton. The current oil export tariff is $61.2 per ton. In addition, gasoline export duties will be reduced to $14.8 per ton from $18.3. Tariffs on liquefied gas will drop to $29.9 a tonne from $89 a month earlier on May 1; coke will drop to $3.20 a tonne from $3.90 a tonne. (CCTV Finance)

3丨The Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka will be closed for five days from the 18th

Every AI Express, according to France 24 reports, on the 16th local time, the Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka announced that in view of the current situation in Sri Lanka, the market will be closed for 5 days from next Monday, which is the 18th. The Sri Lankan All Stocks Index has fallen 38% in the past three months, and the Sri Lankan rupee has fallen more than 35% against the dollar in the past month. At present, due to the lack of foreign exchange reserves, Sri Lanka cannot even import necessary materials, resulting in frequent power outages and severe shortages of food and fuel in the country. According to reports, Sri Lanka plans to hold talks with the International Monetary Fund on the 18th to discuss assistance. (CCTV Finance)

4丨 Macron holds campaign rally in Marseille, France

Every AI Express, on the afternoon of April 16, local time, the current French president and the candidate of the Progressive Party of the Republic in the 2022 French presidential election, Macron held a campaign rally in the southern city of Marseille. It is reported that about 5,000 people attended the rally to support. (CCTV News)

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