Everdream Valley: A Unique Blend of Farming Sim and Grand Theft Auto-Inspired Freedom

2023-06-20 12:26:11

Every game is influenced in some way by the games that came before it, and Everdream Valley is clearly inspired by the veritable collection of laid-back farming games and life models that have defined and redefined the genre over the past few decades. While it’s easy to draw comparisons between games in such a specific genre, the indie game developers behind Everdream Valley have also looked at titles somewhat outside of the realm of farming sims. In an interview with Game Rant, Everdream Valley developer Marek Maruszczak talked about how the game was not only inspired by existing classics in the genre but also by games like Grand Theft Auto, a game that bears little resemblance to the perfect, heartwarming farming game. Of course, he also mentioned some inspirations like Animal Crossing, Pokemon, the Ori and Studio Ghibli when it comes to some of the gameplay and visuals. Today’s Video GamesScroll to continue with content Related to: Grand Theft Auto Leaker Narrows GTA 6 Release Date Everdream Valley Inspired by Grand Theft Auto Freedom The Grand Theft Auto series is an odd reference point for a developer working on a relaxing farming simulation, but Maruszczak’s reasoning makes perfect sense. The hallmark of Grand Theft Auto is player freedom: players can aimlessly explore the action-rich environment on a bike or in a stolen fighter jet, all while ignoring plot entirely in favor of bowling alleys, crime runs, or off-road racing in the surrounding wilderness. What was always important to me was the feeling of freedom in the game, like you can follow the main story, but at any time you can go on an adventure and look under a stone or look for random encounters like in Fallout. In Grand Theft Auto – the first two installments and Grand Theft Auto: London – I wasn’t doing story missions at all. I was just wreaking havoc in town. I wanted that kind of freedom in our game. Of course, the feelings are different – as if we didn’t want to kill – but the sense of freedom, yes. I think we’ve achieved that at least to some extent. Of course, our game is smaller, but the sense of freedom is something that shows in the reviews, so I think we succeeded at least partially in this area. Everdream Valley leans heavily on this open-world design, though it doesn’t skimp on a more focused and directional gameplay in the process. There are still plenty of missions to complete, and they help introduce players to the different game systems as well as provide long and short term goals to pursue. Another notable influence is Everdream Valley’s mini-game content. Similar to Grand Theft Auto’s “minigames,” it’s seamlessly integrated into the game’s sandbox and is a welcome distraction from other missions. The latest update also made minigames thoughtfully optional in case players would prefer to skip the reward. Everdream Valley looks to Animal Crossing and Pokemon for a collectible game Maruszczak also enjoys the satisfaction of building and completing a collection which is one of the main draws to games like Animal Crossing and Pokemon. There are so many things to collect in Everdream Valley including dozens of bugs, clothes, decorations, fish and farm animals. This gives seasoned players a long-term progression goal to work towards while waiting for the crops to grow, and it’s always a good idea to find the last missing piece of the stack. Animal Crossing made a big impact, especially with the collectibles like different insects, etc. We have 30 different types of butterflies, 16 different types of beetles, and 12 different types of frogs, but we wanted to make them not just for show. You can actually use them in the game. Some of them can be used as materials to treat animals, and some of them are used for other things. We’ve also been inspired by Pokémon, again, when it comes to collecting mechanics. Visually, Maruszczak has noted Studio Ghibli films for their dreamy atmosphere, while the visual depth and clever use of scenery in the Uri series inspired Everdream Valley’s enthusiastic use of particles and other effects. Overall, the game has achieved its goal of providing players with an aesthetically pleasing environment in which they can venture out in peace. Everdream Valley is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One, and will be available on Nintendo Switch on June 23. MORE: The Everdream Valley Interview: Lead Designer Quests, Characters, and Upcoming Edition
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