Event Horizon Telescope: Images of black holes have never been so sharp

Event Horizon Telescope: Images of black holes have never been so sharp

The Event Horizon Telescope has achieved enhanced image clarity when capturing images of black holes, leading researchers to anticipate more detailed insights into the universe.

Enhanced image clarity enables the capture of detailed images of black holes.

Photo: PantherMedia / Irina Dmitrienko

Event Horizon Telescope: Images of black holes have never been so sharp

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has made a significant advancement in astronomical imaging. In recent years, the EHT successfully captured the shadows of supermassive black holes in Messier 87 (M 87) and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. A recent pilot experiment with EHT telescopes at a 0.87 mm wavelength has set new benchmarks. This shorter wavelength allows for considerably higher angular resolution, providing an even more detailed view of the areas surrounding black holes. The results published demonstrate both the technical feasibility and establish a new record for angular resolution in ground-based radio interferometry.

This breakthrough presents new opportunities for black hole research. The Event Horizon Telescope connects radio telescopes globally to map supermassive black holes and their emitted radiation. These cosmic giants, residing at the centers of galaxies, represent areas with the most extreme physical conditions in the universe. The improved angular resolution of the EHT enables researchers to uncover details that were previously hidden, offering a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the “unknown” and examine existing theories about black holes and their surrounding matter.

New insights from the Event Horizon Telescope

The EHT collaboration, working alongside the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), has conducted observations that surpass all previous achievements in angular resolution using ground-based telescopes. This was accomplished by detecting radio emissions from the centers of distant galaxies at a frequency of about 345 GHz, equivalent to a wavelength of 0.87 mm. Scientists anticipate that in the near future, they will be able to produce images of black holes with much greater detail, allowing for a more precise imaging of regions near and at the event horizon. The team also plans to visualize other black holes in addition to M 87 and Sgr A*. The findings from these pilot observations were recently published in the esteemed journal “The Astronomical Journal”.

The measurements were conducted over two nights from October 18 to 21, 2018, after forecasts indicated optimal conditions in terms of water vapor and cloud cover. Two groups of telescopes were utilized: an eastern network comprising ALMA, APEX, GLT, IRAM-30m, and NOEMA, and a western network consisting of ALMA, APEX, GLT, and the sub-millimeter array in Hawaii. The teams observed various bright and compact radio sources known as blazars over two evenings and successfully detected interferometric signals from five blazars over distances of up to 9,500 kilometers with signal-to-noise ratios reaching approximately 70.

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New dimensions in black hole research

At the observation wavelength of 0.87 mm, the Event Horizon Telescope will soon be capable of imaging details with a resolution of up to 13 microarcseconds when all telescopes are engaged. To illustrate this extreme precision: it would equate to seeing the cap of a juice bottle on the moon from Earth. Specifically, this means that at a wavelength of 0.87 mm, the EHT will soon produce images with a resolution approximately 50% greater than the 1.3 mm images of M 87 and Sgr A* previously released.

Alexander Raymond, lead author of the study, states: “With the EHT, we succeeded in generating the first images of black holes by detecting radio waves at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. However, the bright ring we observed, which resulted from the bending of light in the black hole’s gravitational field, still appeared somewhat blurry as we were reaching the limits of image clarity. At 0.87 mm, our images will be significantly sharper and more detailed, revealing new properties of the objects observed—both those anticipated and potentially unforeseen phenomena.”

Sheperd Doeleman, founding director of the EHT and co-author of the study, adds: “Monitoring changes in the gas surrounding black holes at varying wavelengths will aid in deciphering how black holes attract and consume matter and how they can eject energetic radio jets that extend far beyond their galaxies.”

Event Horizon Telescope opens new horizons

The successful implementation of VLBI technology at a 0.87 mm wavelength marks a significant milestone in astronomy. While there has long been the potential for observing the night sky at this wavelength, integrating VLBI technology at such short wavelengths has historically presented enormous challenges. Recent technological advancements have now made it possible to overcome these obstacles. A particular challenge was that atmospheric water vapor absorbs radio waves at a 0.87 mm wavelength much more effectively than at 1.3 mm, making it difficult for radio telescopes to capture the signals from black holes at the shorter wavelength with an adequate signal-to-noise ratio.

The key to this success involved enhancing the sensitivity of the Event Horizon Telescope, achieved by broadening the observation bandwidth and defining flexible time windows that allowed for measurements under optimal weather conditions. Anton Zensus, founding chair of the EHT collaboration, summarizes: “The only viable way to further improve angular resolution and thus image clarity from ground-based radio telescopes is to observe at radio wavelengths of less than one millimeter. This presented a significant challenge, but our continuously refined observation techniques have made it possible. This opens up new perspectives for further intriguing discoveries.”

The Event Horizon Telescope: A New Era in Black Hole Imaging

Black hole New image sharpness makes detailed images of black holes possible. (Photo: PantherMedia / Irina Dmitrienko)

Breakthrough in Black Hole Imaging

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has achieved a remarkable breakthrough in astronomical imaging by enhancing the sharpness of images captured of supermassive black holes. Recent pilot experiments at a wavelength of 0.87 mm have set new standards in angular resolution, allowing researchers unprecedented insights into black hole phenomena.

Why the EHT is Revolutionary

  • Global Collaboration: The EHT links radio telescopes from different locations around the world, creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope capable of high-resolution imaging.
  • Higher Angular Resolution: Using a 0.87 mm wavelength, the EHT can produce images with a resolution up to 13 microarcseconds, greatly surpassing previous capabilities.
  • Uncovering New Details: This increased resolution allows scientists to visualize the properties surrounding black holes and uncover phenomena previously hidden.

New Insights from the Event Horizon Telescope

The collaboration behind the EHT, in partnership with the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA), has made unprecedented observations. Reaching frequencies of about 345 GHz, these observations will facilitate more detailed imaging of black holes like those in Messier 87 (M 87) and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*).

During measurements taken over two nights in October 2018, astronomers successfully detected interferometric signals from five selected blazars, achieving signal-to-noise ratios as high as ~70.

Technical Advancements in Imaging

The EHT’s new ability to observe at a wavelength of 0.87 mm not only sets records in imaging but also allows for new kinds of studies in black hole physics. The shortening measurement period and bandwidth enhancements have contributed significantly to this advancement.

Behold the New Era of Black Hole Imaging

“With the EHT, we succeeded in producing the first images of black holes… However, the bright ring we saw still appeared blurry because we were reaching the limits of image sharpness,” states Alexander Raymond, lead author of the study. The anticipated sharper and more defined images at 0.87 mm will shed light on both predicted and unforeseen black hole properties.

Impact on Our Understanding of the Universe

  • Observing gas dynamics around black holes could reveal the mechanisms behind matter attraction and energetic jet ejection.
  • The dramatic increase in angular resolution provides a clearer view into the extreme environments surrounding black holes, allowing for updated theoretical models.

Challenges Overcome for Enhanced Imaging

The EHT’s leap into shorter wavelengths presented several challenges, particularly atmospheric interference. Water vapor strongly absorbs radio signals at 0.87 mm, complicating the reception of clear images. However, advancements in technology have enabled EHT to overcome these hurdles effectively.

Upcoming Visions for the EHT

The EHT is set to explore a range of new black holes beyond M 87 and Sgr A*, continually enhancing our understanding of these cosmic giants. Collaborative future projects aim to include various advanced observational campaigns, which will refine EHT’s capabilities and potential discoveries.

Wavelength (mm) Angular Resolution (microarcseconds) Image Clarity
1.3 About 20 Moderate clarity
0.87 Up to 13 High clarity

The Pioneers Behind the Research

The EHT collaboration comprises a global network of scientists committed to understanding black holes and their impact on the cosmos. Visionaries like Sheperd Doeleman, Anton Zensus, and Alexander Raymond lead efforts to push the boundaries of astrophysical research through the EHT.


  • Enhanced imaging techniques are paving the way for breakthroughs in our understanding of black holes.
  • Collective scientific efforts are essential to advance astronomical research globally.
  • The EHT stands at the forefront of black hole research, promising exciting discoveries and insights in the near future.



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