Today’s Gospel, Wednesday, August 7, 2024: “Woman, how great is your faith!”

2024-08-07 02:40:00

Reflection Today’s Gospel, Pope Francis shares: “Indeed, each of us can believe in Christ, the Son of God, who was sent by the Father to save us: yes, to save us from sickness, the Lord has done and helped us to do many good things”.

In his homily on January 15, 2016, the Pope said: “But above all, we must believe that He came to save us from our sins, to save us and to bring us to our Heavenly Father.”.

During the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word is one of the central moments of the celebration. At this time, reading Bible passages allows us to delve deeper into the teachings of Jesus Christ. Text we shared Wednesday, August 7, 2024 Published on the Vatican website.


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Gospel: The Transfiguration of Jesus.  (Vatican News)Gospel: The Transfiguration of Jesus. (Vatican News)

Liturgy for August 7, 2024: First Reading

Read the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Jeremiah 31, 1-7

“In that day, says the LORD, I will be God over all the tribes of Israel, and they will be my people.

Israel, freed from the sword, found mercy in the desert and went to rest; the Lord appeared to him from afar.

This is what the Lord says: “I have loved you with an everlasting love, so I will always have mercy on you. Then I will come back and build you, and you will be rebuilt, the capital of Israel. You will play your tambourine again, and you will go out Dance with the musicians and the choir; You will plant vineyards again on the hills of Samaria, and those who plant them will enjoy them. On the hills of Ephraim, the watchmen will cry, ‘It is day, let us rise! Go to Zion, to the Lord our God!”

Thus says the Lord: “Hail for Jacob, shout for joy for the best of all peoples! Proclaim, praise, and say, ‘The Lord has saved his people, the survivors of Israel.

Daily Gospel: August 7, 2024

Reading based on the Gospel of St. Matthew

Mountain 15, 21-28

At that time, Jesus retreated to the region of Tire and Sidon. A Canaanite woman came out to meet him, crying, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me.” My daughter was tormented by an evil spirit. ” Jesus did not answer him a word. But the disciples came closer and begged him: “Take care of her, for she is screaming and chasing us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” “

Then she approached Jesus, fell down before him, and said, “Lord, help me!” He answered, “It is wrong to take bread from your children and throw it to the dogs.” But she answered, “Lord, help me!” , it is true; but puppies also eat crumbs that fall from their master’s table. Jesus answered her, “Woman, how great is your faith! May your wishes come true. At the same moment, he The daughter recovered.

Pope Francis condemns

Social injustice. Pope Francis condemns “dictatorship of behavior” and calls for reflection

August 7, Saint Pope Sixtus II, Patron Saint of Bread and Works Cayetano

According to the official Vatican website, Saints of the Day is a daily review of the saints preserved in the memory of the Church. In this section you will find stories, anecdotes, and miracles performed by these figures in Christian life at different times and places around the world.

Today the Church commemorates Pope Sixtus II and Saint Cajetan of Tiena.

Sixtus II was a great peacemaker who welcomed repentant heretics but did not rebaptize them.

He also reversed excommunication for those who were rebaptized. Due to the anti-Christian persecution of Valerian, he died in AD 258 after only eleven months as pope, along with six of the seven deacons of Rome.

Today’s Saint: Pope Sixtus II.  (Vatican News)Today’s Saint: Pope Sixtus II. (Vatican News)

As for St. Cajetan of Tienne, he was poor and incurable, and anyone who extended a hand was his friend.

Cajetan was a Vincentian nobleman who lived between the 15th and 16th centuries. After becoming a priest, he founded the congregation of Theatines in 1523 with three companions (one of whom was Pope Paul IV).

Saint of the day: Saint Cajetan.  (Web page)Saint of the day: Saint Cajetan. (Web page)

Prayer to St. Cajetan in Tiennes

Oh, glorious Saint Cajetan! Acclaimed by all nations; Father of Providence, for with your ominous miracles you help those who are confident in their needs. I beseech you to receive prompt help from the Lord in my present sufferings, and let this be a proof of everlasting blessing. Amen.

Holy Trinity Oh Divine Providence! Give me your mercy, thank you for your infinite goodness, kneel before your plants, thank you for all the omens of your charity, I ask you to provide a house, clothing and food for my loved ones.

Grant us health and guide us on the right path, may it always be the virtue that guides our destiny. You are my all hope, you are my comfort, I believe in you, I trust you. Your divine providence extends to every moment, so that we may never lack for home, clothing, food, and sacraments until the last moment.


#Todays #Gospel #Wednesday #August #Woman #great #faith



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