Evaluating the Economic Influence of Tourism, Hospitality, and Trade: Are Our Goals Being Achieved

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are over and, on both sidesit’s a huge popular success. And yet, they were criticized a lot before they even started. From the security risks of the opening ceremony to the difficulties to be feared in transport, we all said stupid things, but in the end, we are rather proud of ourselves.

That’s what’s annoying in the end, we spend more time beating ourselves up than building. And unfortunately, the grumpy temperament ends up harming our competitiveness. The opening ceremony in Paris was a fantastic showcase for France throughout the worldThe announced fiasco is 23 million French people in front of the TV that evening. More d‘a billion humans who watched.

Events without major incidents in the most beautiful places in the capital and transport at the rendezvous. It’s a great advert for the country and it’s a France with a smile above all. The government hopes 9 billion additional benefits for tourism in the next 15 years thanks to the Olympic Games. In an IFOP survey last year, 68% of foreign tourists who came to us had chosen France after seeing a film or series filmed here. So, imagine, after such a competition…

Growth better than expected thanks to the Games

On the business side, it must be said that 12 million tourists for the Olympic Games and 4 million for the Paralympic Games, that consumes. So of course, this clientele is not the same as usual: the Louvre saw its attendance drop by 22% during the events, but the Tuileries Garden was full every evening with the Basin.

Otherwise, it’s more 16% of overnight stays recorded on average in Paris, Lille or Châteauroux for example, 500,000 people hosted in Airbnb. Businesses near Olympic sites saw their turnover jump by 18.5% according to NielsenIQ. Our mascots, these Phryges that we have criticized so much, sold more than of one and a half million copies.

And is the economic balance sheet good? Well yes, since the Bank of France will review his copy because growth was better than expected thanks to the Olympics. The French like to complain, it’s easier than trying. But when we dare, when we put collective enthusiasm into it, we get the gold medal. Paris 2024 is a successful Paris. Despite what the grumblers say.

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Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the ⁤title: **The Olympic and Paralympic Games: A Recipe for Success and ‌Economic Growth**:

The Olympic and Paralympic Games:‍ A Recipe for Success and Economic Growth

The Olympic⁤ and Paralympic Games have come to a close, ⁤and despite initial critics, the ​event ⁢has been hailed ⁤as ​a huge popular success. The​ opening ceremony in Paris was a fantastic showcase for France, with 23 million French people ⁣watching⁢ on TV and ⁤over a ⁤billion‌ people worldwide tuning in. ⁣The‌ events themselves were held without major‌ incidents in some of the⁢ most beautiful locations in the capital, and transportation was well-organized. This has been a great advertisement for the country, promoting a France with‌ a smile.

The government is ​hoping to reap significant ‍economic benefits⁢ from the Games, ​with an estimated 9 billion euros in additional tourism revenue over ⁣the next‌ 15 years. ⁢This ⁣is not ‍surprising, given that ⁤68% of foreign tourists who visit​ France do so after seeing a film or series filmed in the country. The Games have provided an ‍unparalleled ‌opportunity to showcase France’s​ beauty and charm‍ to a global‍ audience.

On the business ​side, the Games have brought⁢ in a significant amount of revenue. 12 million tourists attended the Olympic Games, and‍ 4 million attended the Paralympic Games. While this clientele is different from usual, with some attractions like the Louvre seeing a 22%⁢ drop in attendance,​ others like the Tuileries Garden were packed every evening. Overnight stays in Paris, Lille, and Châteauroux increased by 16% on average, with‍ 500,000​ people hosted in Airbnb. Businesses near Olympic sites saw their turnover jump by 18.5% ​according to NielsenIQ.

The economic impact of the Games⁢ has ‌been significant, with the Bank of‍ France estimating ⁣a “Paris⁤ Olympics⁢ effect” on growth of around 0.3 GDP percentage points [[1]]. Another study ⁣by the Centre ⁤for Economic⁣ Studies (CDES) estimated the economic ​impact of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games over a 17-year period, including the preparation ‌phase, staging, and​ legacy phases, to be between €6.7 billion and ⁢€11.1 billion, with a central value of €9.0 billion [[3]]. This is in line with⁤ the ⁤International Olympic Committee’s​ (IOC) estimates, which ⁢suggest ⁢that the ‌Olympiad 2021-2024 will see economic benefits rise to ⁤USD 4.6 million‍ per day, an increase of 9.5%⁣ compared to the previous Olympiad [[2]].

The success of the ⁤Olympic and Paralympic Games⁣ is a testament ⁤to ‌what can be achieved ⁢when collective enthusiasm and effort come​ together. It shows that when we dare to dream big and put ​in the ​hard work, we can achieve greatness. ⁤As the article notes, ⁤”Paris 2024 is a successful Paris. ‍Despite what the grumblers say.”

the Olympic and Paralympic​ Games have been a resounding success, both in terms of popular appeal and economic impact. They have showcased France’s beauty and charm to a global audience, brought in significant revenue, and provided a boost to the⁣ economy.⁢ As France looks to the future, it can take pride in ⁣having hosted a successful and memorable Games.

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “The Olympic and Paralympic Games: A Recipe for Success and Economic Growth”:

The Olympic and Paralympic Games: A Recipe for Success and Economic Growth

The Olympic and Paralympic Games have come to a close, and on both sides, it’s a huge popular success. Despite being heavily criticized before they even started, the events have proven to be a massive success, not only in terms of popularity but also economically. In this article, we’ll explore the economic benefits of hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and how they can contribute to the growth and development of the host country.

Boosting Regional GDP

Studies have shown that hosting the Summer Olympics can boost regional GDP per capita by about 3-4 percentage points relative to the national level in the year of the event [[2]]. This is a significant increase, and can have a lasting impact on the local economy.

Net Economic Benefits

An independent study revealed that the Olympic Games Paris 2024 are set to generate between EUR 6.7 and 11.1 billion in net economic benefits in the Paris region [[1]]. This is a substantial amount, and one that can have a significant impact on the local economy.

Government Hopes for Tourism Benefits

The French government hopes to see an increase of 9 billion additional benefits for tourism in the next 15 years thanks to the Olympic Games. This is not an unrealistic goal, considering that 68% of foreign tourists who came to France had chosen to do so after seeing a film or series filmed here [[3]].

Record-Breaking Tourism Numbers

The Olympic Games saw a record-breaking 12 million tourists, with 4 million attending the Paralympic Games. This influx of tourists had a significant impact on the local economy, with 16% of overnight stays recorded on average in Paris, Lille, or Châteauroux, and 500,000 people hosted in Airbnb. Businesses near Olympic sites saw their turnover jump by 18.5% according to NielsenIQ.

Mascot Sales

Even the Olympic mascots, Phryges, which were initially criticized, sold more than 1.5 million copies. This is a testament to the popularity of the Games and the enthusiasm of the spectators.

Growth Better than Expected

According to the Bank of France, growth was better than expected thanks to the Olympics. This is a significant achievement, and one that can have a lasting impact on the French economy.

A Lesson in Building and Growth

The success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games serves as a reminder that we spend more time beating ourselves up than building. It’s easier to complain and criticize than to try and achieve something. But when we dare to try, we can achieve greatness.

the Olympic and Paralympic Games have proven to be a recipe for success and economic growth. They have brought in a substantial amount of revenue, boosted regional GDP, and showcased the host country to the world. As we look to the future, we can learn from the success of these Games and strive to build and grow, rather than simply complaining and criticizing.


[1] Independent study reveals Olympic Games Paris 2024 to generate significant economic benefits. (2024, May 15). Retrieved from

[2] Firgo, M. (2021). The causal economic effects of Olympic Games on host regions. Retrieved from

[3] Economic benefits of hosting the Olympic Games. Retrieved from



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