Evaluating Schlangen’s Bike-Friendly Environment: The Importance of Cyclist Perspectives

Schlangen. A survey is currently underway for the large ADFC bicycle climate test. Cyclists from Schlangen, Kohlstädt and Oesterholz-Haustenbeck are invited to vote in the online survey. Among other things, the feeling of safety, the width of the paths and the accessibility of destinations by bike can be assessed. The main topic this year is cooperation in traffic. The results will help the municipality of Schlangen to further improve its offering for cyclists, it writes in a press release.

“Cycling is trendy – and a bicycle-friendly community is attractive for everyone. That’s why we’re asking citizens who cycle to take part in the ADFC bicycle climate test,” said Mayor Marcus Püster. The results will give the community a clear picture of where the offer for cyclists is already good and where improvements still need to be made. The comparison with other communities in terms of bicycle friendliness also provides important impulses.

The survey runs until November 30th www.fkt.adfc.de“Answering the 27 questions only takes around ten minutes. If you like, you can then sign up for a newsletter to be informed about the results,” it continues. The most bicycle-friendly cities and municipalities in six size categories will be honored in spring 2025 at the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin.

Cooperation in traffic

In addition to the basic questions, the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024 includes additional questions about interaction in traffic. This is about how cyclists assess the behavior of other road users, for example whether they are considerate and whether sufficient overtaking distance is maintained.

The ADFC conducts the test every two years – this year for the eleventh time. The Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport is funding the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024 with funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan.

Note to editors: Images of the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024 can be found in the ADFC press area on www.adfc.de/presse. The survey can be found at www.fkt.adfc.de.

Adventure Cycling tours

Schlangen: A Call to Action for Cycling Enthusiasts -‌ Participate in ‍the ⁢ADFC Bicycle Climate Test

As cycling continues to gain popularity, the municipality of​ Schlangen is taking a proactive approach to ‌improve its offerings for cyclists. In collaboration with the ⁢German‌ National Cyclists’ Association (ADFC), a comprehensive survey⁢ is​ underway to assess the bicycle-friendliness of ⁣the region. The ADFC Bicycle⁤ Climate ⁢Test 2024 aims to gather valuable insights from ⁣cyclists in Schlangen, Kohlstädt, and ⁢Oesterholz-Haustenbeck, focusing⁣ on the theme of cooperation in traffic.

What’s the Purpose of the Survey?

The online survey, accessible until November 30th at www.fkt.adfc.de, invites cyclists to share ‍their experiences and opinions on various aspects of cycling in Schlangen. The questionnaire consists of 27 questions,⁤ taking approximately ten minutes to complete. Participants can also opt to receive a newsletter ⁢with updates on the results.‍ The survey’s ​objective is to provide the municipality with a ⁣clear ‌understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of its cycling ⁢infrastructure, ultimately leading ‍to improvements ‍and enhancements [[3]].

Cooperation in‌ Traffic: The‍ Main Theme‍ of the Survey

This⁣ year’s survey places a special emphasis⁢ on‍ cooperation in traffic, examining the interaction⁣ between​ cyclists and ⁣other road users. Cyclists are asked to​ evaluate the behavior⁤ of other road⁢ users, such as ‌motorists, pedestrians, and public‍ transportation operators, focusing on aspects like ⁣considerate behavior and sufficient infrastructure [[1]]. By gathering this information,‌ the ADFC aims to identify areas that require ⁣improvement, ensuring a safer and more harmonious⁣ coexistence of all road users.

Why is this Survey Important?

The⁢ results of the ADFC Bicycle Climate ‌Test ⁤2024 will not only benefit Schlangen but ⁤also contribute to a broader understanding of cycling infrastructure in ⁤Germany. The study will ‌facilitate comparisons with other communities, ⁤providing valuable insights ⁤for⁣ municipalities seeking ⁣to improve their cycling environments. The most bicycle-friendly cities and municipalities in six ⁤size categories will‍ be recognized ​at the Federal Ministry of Transport ⁢in Berlin in‍ spring 2025, serving as a‍ motivation for⁢ other communities to follow suit‍ [[2]].

What’s⁤ at Stake?

As Mayor Marcus Püster aptly put it, “Cycling is trendy ⁣- and a bicycle-friendly ​community‍ is attractive for everyone.” By participating in the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024, cyclists can contribute to creating a ‍more cycling-friendly environment in ⁣Schlangen, making‌ it ⁣an attractive destination for visitors and residents alike. The survey’s outcomes will have a direct impact on the municipality’s future cycling initiatives, ensuring that the​ needs and concerns of cyclists⁤ are taken into account.

Take Action and Shape ⁣the Future of Cycling in Schlangen

Cyclists in Schlangen, Kohlstädt, and Oesterholz-Haustenbeck are encouraged to participate⁣ in the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test‍ 2024. By sharing their experiences and opinions, they can help create a safer, more enjoyable, and bicycle-friendly community. Don’t miss ⁤this opportunity to make a difference – take the survey today and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for cycling in Schlangen!


[1] ⁣ADFC – Verkehrswende ⁤mit dem ⁤Fahrrad

[2] ⁣ German National Cyclists’ Association (ADFC)

[3] ⁤ADFC-Regionalkarte Nord-Holland Amsterdam, 1:75.000

**PAA Related Questions for “Schlangen: A Call to Action for Cycling Enthusiasts – Participate in the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test”:**

Schlangen: A Call to Action for Cycling Enthusiasts – Participate in the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test

In the charming town of Schlangen, a survey is currently underway for the large ADFC bicycle climate test. Cyclists from Schlangen, Kohlstädt, and Oesterholz-Haustenbeck are invited to participate in the online survey, which aims to assess the feeling of safety, the width of the paths, and the accessibility of destinations by bike [[3]]. The main topic this year is cooperation in traffic, which is essential for creating a bicycle-friendly community.

Cooperation in Traffic: A Key Aspect of the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test

The ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024 includes additional questions about interaction in traffic, focusing on how cyclists assess the behavior of other road users [[4]]. This is crucial in understanding how cyclists perceive the safety and comfort of cycling in Schlangen and its surrounding areas. The test also evaluates the sufficiency of overtaking distance and the overall cooperation among road users.

The Importance of Cycling in Schlangen

“Cycling is trendy – and a bicycle-friendly community is attractive for everyone,” said Mayor Marcus Püster, emphasizing the significance of cycling in Schlangen [[3]]. By participating in the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test, citizens who cycle can contribute to creating a clear picture of where the community’s offerings for cyclists are already good and where improvements are needed. The comparison with other communities in terms of bicycle friendliness will also provide valuable insights and impulses for further development.

Adventure Cycling Tours in Schlangen

For those who love cycling, Schlangen offers exciting adventure cycling tours, such as the 82km tour around the Senne, which takes riders through the picturesque Teutoburger Wald [[2]]. These tours not only provide an opportunity to explore the beautiful landscape but also to experience the cycling infrastructure in Schlangen.

Take Part in the Survey and Help Shape the Future of Cycling in Schlangen

The survey runs until November 30th and can be accessed at www.fkt.adfc.de [[3]]. Answering the 27 questions only takes around ten minutes, and participants can sign up for a newsletter to stay informed about the results. The most bicycle-friendly cities and municipalities in six size categories will be honored in spring 2025 at the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin.

In addition to the survey, cyclists can also explore the ADFC press area for images and information on the ADFC Bicycle Climate Test 2024 [[4]]. By participating in the survey and sharing their experiences, cyclists can contribute to shaping the future of cycling in Schlangen and creating a more bicycle-friendly community.


[1] Schlangen – Fahrradklima-Test Karte 1 | ADFC-Fahrradklima-Test 2022 | Auswertung Schlangen. Page 3. Detailtabellen für Schlangen (71 Teilnahmen). Fahrrad- und Verkehrsklima. Schulnotenskala. URL: https://fkt.object-manager.com/data/2022/Schlangen5766064FKT2022.pdf

[2] Schlangen Schlangen — 1. Tour. Ausgiebige Tagestour über 82 km rund um die Senne. Radeln Sie dabei zweimal über den Teutoburger Wald. Bei Öffnung des … URL: https://lippe.adfc.de/artikel/tourenvorschlaege-schlangen

[3] Wie fahrradfreundlich ist Schlangen? Radfahrer sollen … 53 minuti fa — Aktuell läuft eine Umfrage zum großen ADFC-Fahrradklima-Test. Radfahrer aus Schlangen, Kohlstädt und Oesterholz-Haustenbeck sind eingeladen, bei … URL: https://www.lz.de/lippe/schlangen/23939735_Wie-fahrradfreundlich-ist-Schlangen-Radfahrer-sollen-Einfluss-nehmen.html



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