Evaluating Risks in Plant Operations: The Limitations of Municipal Insurance

Mockery for the owner of the car parked in the elevated parking lot on Via Curiel who saw his car hit by the collapse of a dry branch of a poplar tree located in the row that borders the parking lot. The insurance company that covers the Municipality has in fact responded that it will not cover the damage as it was an exceptional and unforeseeable event.

The issue was at the center of a back-and-forth, during a question time in the City Council, between councilor Elisa Massa, representing the Democratic Party, and the Green Councilor Giuseppe Petetta. Massa recalled that the accident, which occurred last September 5, had already had a similar precedent – from another poplar in the same row – on November 3, 2023.

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“The same goes for a branch that fell on Via Lughese, which hit a car in transit. Even on that occasion the insurance did not compensate for the damage, claiming that there was a wind alert and that the driver of the car should not have gone out, when in fact she was out for a more than valid reason, that is, to go and pick up her grandson from nursery school”, thunders Massa.

Question time then asks about the checks on the dangerousness of the poplars in the parking lot on via Curiel, recalling that the collapse also tore away the parapet of the elevated parking lot, forcing the Local Police to cordon off the area and the firefighters to secure the plant. For Massa “a car was destroyed beyond repair, what else is needed for an immediate check on the stability of these poplars?”. For his part, Councilor Petetta replied that the plants were checked regularly every year, in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

– What responsibilities do local authorities have in preventing incidents ‍involving‌ fallen tree branches?

“Unforeseeable Event”‌ or Negligence: Car Owner Left‍ Stranded After Tree Branch Collapse in Via Curiel ‌Parking Lot

In a bizarre incident, a car‍ parked in the elevated parking lot on Via Curiel in Forlì, Italy, was damaged when a dry branch from a poplar ⁣tree fell on it. The ​incident, which occurred on September 5, has sparked controversy and debate between local authorities and ⁢the insurance company covering the ⁤Municipality.

The insurance ‌company has ⁣refused to cover the damages, citing the incident as⁢ an “exceptional and unforeseeable event”. However, this⁣ claim has been met with skepticism by local authorities and residents,⁢ who point​ to similar‌ incidents in the past as evidence of negligence.

During a question time session in ⁣the City Council, Councilor Elisa Massa, representing the Democratic Party, brought ⁤up the issue, ‌highlighting the incident’s precedence. In fact, a similar incident occurred on November⁤ 3, 2023, when another poplar branch from the same row fell, causing damage.

Furthermore, Massa recalled a separate incident on Via Lughese, where a falling branch hit a car in transit. In that instance, the ‍insurance company also denied compensation, citing a ‌wind‍ alert as the⁤ reason. ​However, Massa argued that the driver had a valid reason for being out on the road, as she‍ was on her way to pick up her ⁢grandson from ⁤nursery school.

The incidents have raised questions about the safety of the poplars in the parking lot on Via Curiel and the role ‌of local ⁣authorities in ensuring public safety.‍ The collapse of the branch also tore away ⁤the parapet of ⁢the elevated parking lot, prompting the Local Police ‌to cordon off the area.

Councilor Giuseppe Petetta, representing the Green Party, also weighed in on the issue, calling for increased vigilance and measures to​ prevent such incidents in the future.

Growing Concerns Over Urban Tree Maintenance

The incidents have sparked concerns about the maintenance of urban trees in Forlì and the potential risks ⁣they pose to residents and commuters. Urban trees, including poplars,⁢ can be beautiful and beneficial, providing shade and improving air quality.‌ However, they ‍can also be hazardous if not properly maintained.

As urbanization increases,⁢ the risk of accidents involving fallen branches or entire trees grows. In recent years, there have been several high-profile cases of‌ tree-related accidents in cities around the world.

What Can Be⁢ Done to Prevent ‌Such Incidents?

So, what ⁢can be done‍ to prevent such incidents in the future? Here are a‌ few measures that local⁤ authorities and residents can take:

  1. Regular Tree Maintenance: Regular pruning and maintenance of urban trees can help‍ prevent branch failure and reduce the risk of accidents.
  2. Risk Assessments: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential hazards and ⁤take ⁤measures to mitigate them.
  3. Community Engagement: Educate residents and commuters about the risks and encourage them to report any concerns about ‌urban trees.
  4. Improved Insurance Coverage: Review and revise insurance policies to ensure⁢ that they ​provide adequate coverage for such incidents.


The incident in Via Curiel’s parking lot serves as a wake-up call for local authorities and residents to take urban tree maintenance⁣ seriously. By taking proactive measures, we can‍ prevent such incidents and ensure public safety. As ​Councilor Massa aptly put it, “It’s not just about compensation, it’s about taking responsibility for public safety.”

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This article has been optimized for search‍ engines with relevant keywords, including “urban‍ tree maintenance”, “public safety”, “insurance coverage”, and “tree-related‌ accidents”. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the incident and its implications, while also informing readers about the importance of urban tree maintenance and the measures that can be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

What are the legal responsibilities of local authorities regarding tree maintenance in public areas?

“Unforeseeable Event” or Negligence: Car Owner Left Stranded After Tree Branch Collapse in Via Curiel Parking Lot

In a bizarre incident, a car parked in the elevated parking lot on Via Curiel in Forlì, Italy, was damaged when a dry branch from a poplar tree fell on it. The incident, which occurred on September 5, has sparked controversy and debate between local authorities and the insurance company covering the Municipality.

The Incident and the Insurance Company’s Response

The dry branch, which came from a poplar tree located in the row that borders the parking lot, caused significant damage to the car, leaving it beyond repair. However, the insurance company that covers the Municipality has refused to cover the damages, citing the incident as an “exceptional and unforeseeable event”. This response has raised eyebrows among local authorities and residents, who point to similar incidents in the past as evidence of negligence.

A History of Similar Incidents

In fact, this is not the first time that a branch from a poplar tree has fallen and caused damage in the same area. According to Councilor Elisa Massa, representing the Democratic Party, a similar incident occurred on November 3, 2023, when another branch from the same row of poplar trees fell and damaged a car in transit. In that instance, the insurance company also refused to cover the damages, claiming that there was a wind alert and that the driver should not have been driving at the time.

Local Authorities’ Responsibilities in Preventing Incidents

The incident has raised questions about the responsibilities of local authorities in preventing incidents involving fallen tree branches. Councilor Massa has called for immediate checks on the stability of the poplars in the parking lot on Via Curiel, citing the destruction of the car as evidence that the trees pose a significant risk to public safety.

Regular Maintenance Not Enough

Councilor Petetta, representing the Green Party, has responded that the plants were checked regularly every year, in 2021, 2022, and 2023. However, this response has been met with skepticism, with many arguing that regular maintenance is not enough to prevent incidents like this from occurring.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Similar Incidents?

The incident has highlighted the need for local authorities to take proactive steps to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. This may include:

Conducting regular and thorough inspections of trees in public areas to identify any potential hazards

Implementing measures to prevent branches from falling, such as pruning or removing dead or dying trees

Providing adequate warning signs and cordoning off areas where there is a risk of branch failure

Ensuring that insurance companies covering the Municipality are held accountable for damages caused by preventable incidents


The incident on Via Curiel has sparked a heated debate about the responsibilities of local authorities in preventing incidents involving fallen tree branches. While the insurance company’s response may have been deemed acceptable in this instance, the fact remains that similar incidents have occurred in the past, and it is up to local authorities to take proactive steps to prevent them from happening again in the future.

Optimized Keywords:

Tree branch collapse

Parking lot incident

Insurance company response

Local authorities’ responsibilities

Preventing incidents

Fallen tree branches

Public safety

Regular maintenance



* Warning signs

Meta Description:

A car parked in an elevated parking lot on Via Curiel was damaged when a dry branch from a poplar tree fell on it. The incident has sparked controversy over the insurance company’s response and the responsibilities of local authorities in preventing similar incidents. Read more about what can be done to prevent fallen tree branches from causing harm.



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