Éva Szentesi: No one should regret what I earned, I spent every last forint on my health

Eva Szentesi the other day he shared with his poets on his social media that he gave an interview to Telex, which will be published on Tuesday evening. The author later also published a screenshot of a Facebook comment in her Instagram story, which was available for a limited time, the author of which stated that Szentesi

“he talks about his illnesses, he also wrote books about them, that’s how he earns his money”.

The writer replied to the comment that she will give all her money to the person if he restores his health, and in his post, which is available for a limited time he put it like that:

By the way, do some people really think that cancer is good for them? That a protracted, recurring illness does not consume almost all reserves? However, how much can the financing of existing health problems cost? Don’t let anyone regret what I earned, I spent every last forint on my health. Well, that’s not entirely true. Last year, I bought a more expensive second-hand bag, which I just sold so that I could continue to finance my third round of tumors. Not that I need to explain, and the pump doesn’t even prime, but what do these individuals think?

asked Szentesi, who last month Focusin he talked about his illness and how he really wanted to get rid of the cancer, which recurred in the spring.



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