Europe’s most wanted criminals have 50 new names…including two Belgians

What if you had the opportunity to have access to the list of the most wanted criminals in Europe? It has just been updated. A godsend, for lovers of various facts. For those who did not know, a campaign was launched today in Brussels. The goal: to invite European citizens to consult this list.

The campaign, titled: “Game over: you might bring them down”, “Game over: you might bring them down”was launched this Wednesday in Brussels.

It promotes an already long list of criminals that now sports more than fifty new names. Some have a mention “dangerous”, others have a price tag. They come from the four corners of Europe and all have one thing in common: they are extremely wanted and are accused or convicted of having committed serious crimes in Europe, such as murder, armed robbery or offenses related to terrorist acts. Among them are two Belgians: Felix Omoregie, and Cristano Pinkihan Attolba.

The European Network of Active Fugitive Search Teams (ENFAST) launched in early 2016 the website ““, hosted by Europol. This site lists the most wanted criminals

A campaign to inform

To talk regarding this famous list, a fresco revealing an ace of spades with long tentacles was inaugurated on the facade of a building on rue d’Arlon in Brussels. The objective: to show that criminal networks are like houses of cards, and that they can collapse as soon as one of its members falls. ENFAST and Europol therefore ask European citizens to consult this list to find out if they recognize any of these fugitives and, if so, to notify the police authorities, thanks to a procedure which guarantees their anonymity. The collaboration of citizens has already made it possible, within the framework of such searches, to lead to the arrest of dangerous persons on the run.

Not insignificant help from citizens who can help advance the investigation. At the launch of the campaign today, Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden said: “We know that there are still many fugitive criminals in Europe and we want to do everything to arrest them. It is together that we can achieve this result and, in the past, we have already received information from citizens who have helped to find these criminals“. The idea is thus to put the solidarity of the citizens to contribution: “We also clearly want to send a message to the criminals themselves and to say that the acts they have committed will be punished, that it will not remain without follow-up“, she added.

The list thus makes it possible to group all these criminals and put them in the eyes and in the sight of all. The objective is thus to inform but also to be able to help in the progress of the investigations in progress: “Since it was created in 2016, 120 arrests have been made, 30% of which are really linked to the campaigns around this list. Six Belgian criminals were thus arrested. We have just updated the list, targeting more particularly individuals active in organized crime, because the European Union is currently experiencing a lot of insecurity linked to drug trafficking.“, explained the senior police officer.



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