“European Weather Forecast: Sunny North vs Stormy South – Latest Updates and Trends”

2023-05-20 09:32:23

Europe is completely divided in two with an anticyclonic zone that covers the entire north of the continent ensuring sunny and dry weather, while the southern half suffers the effects of a vast low pressure zone causing rain or storms sometimes even at the cause of floods.

Our country is located between these two zones of action, still temporarily benefiting from a current of continental origin carrying fairly hot and dry air coming mainly from Germany and Poland.

The weather will therefore still be very pleasant this Sunday with summer temperatures rising in the afternoon between 22 and 27º in the plain, around 21 to 22º on the eastern highlands but remaining blocked between 16 and 20º in the coastal region where a very sensitive north to northeast sea breeze with peaks of 45-55 km/h.

However, the air will become more unstable at the end of the afternoon, locally causing the development of large cumulus clouds giving showers or even thunderstorms over a large eastern half of the country.

The showers will disappear overnight and give way to a starry or slightly cloudy sky and some low stratus and fog, especially in Flanders, Hainaut and Namur.

The minimums will show 13 to 16º but locally less in the Ardennes valleys where it will be between 7 and 13º.


As a low pressure core will activate more and more over Germany, the disturbance associated with it will maintain a lot of instability from the center to the east of the country.

This will initially give quite a bit of gray weather which will dissipate in the middle of the day, giving way to better weather, but showers and thunderstorms will appear quickly in the afternoon east of the capital.


The north wind will rise more and more blowing with peaks of 45-55 km/h and will maintain a strong freshness at sea with many low clouds and where the mercury of the thermometers will show only 14 to 16º while more in the interior of the country we can still enjoy maximums between 20 and 25º depending on the altitude.

At night it will be dry again and the sky will be divided between sunny spells and cloudy periods with minimums generally between 10 and 15º.

Tuesday to Thursday

The low pressure core over southern Germany will tend to slide slightly towards the east leaving us in the northern flow which is less and less warm but becoming more and more influenced by a vast anticyclone centered on the Atlantic Ocean.

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Over the next few days, this will develop a ridge towards the east which will favor the persistence of a north to northeast current over our regions with air remaining too cool for the season coming from the east of the North Sea. .


This will still give us some sunny periods in the west of the country but often cloudier skies in the eastern half.

Daytime temperatures will initially still fluctuate between 14 and 17º on the coast and between 17 and 22º in the interior of the country, but it will be cooler on Wednesday and Thursday with highs of barely 13 to 16º at sea and only 15 at 20º elsewhere.

As the clouds will tend to dissipate during the nights, they are expected to be quite cold with 11º by the sea but 6 to 10º more inland.

During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday it will even freeze locally in the valleys of the eastern Ardennes with minimums going down there locally between +2 and -3º.


Evolution for the weekend and the following weekend

As the high pressure ridge will continue to extend towards Scandinavia, the current will move more and more towards the east which will bring us more continental air, therefore drier and milder with more sun and temperatures rising between 18 and 23º. .

Probable trend for the end of the month and the beginning of June

It should be sunny and quite warm at first, but a tendency towards heavier and stormy weather is expected from Wednesday May 21 with temperatures remaining at a very good level between 21 and 26º.

#hot #good #weather #showers #thunderstorms #drop #temperature

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