European Oranges and Tangerines: The Key to a Healthy and Vital Winter – FruitVegetablesEUROPE

2023-12-03 23:03:03

December 4, 2023

In the winter season, we should definitely include European oranges and tangerines in our daily diet to spice up our dishes and be prepared once morest the cold, says FruitVegetablesEUROPE, the European fruit and vegetable association founded 60 years ago.

Campaign #longlifechallenge – FruitVegetablesEurope. Photo © Fruit Vegetables Europe

Eating citrus fruits is not only perfect for meeting the European #LonglifeChallenge (eating five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day), but also brings a whole range of benefits to our organism due to their high nutritional value and healthy properties.

Citrus fruits offer numerous benefits for our organism and our daily activities. Below we explain ten of them:

They have a high nutritional value because they contain vitamins and minerals, potassium, calcium, carotenes and fiber, especially pectin, which primarily helps reduce cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood. Since they contain few calories and a lot of water, they are ideal for enriching our daily diet without gaining weight. Their phytonutrients such as flavonoids have a very positive effect on cardiovascular health. In addition, they can help prevent various diseases due to their tremendous antioxidant effects. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory function, they help prevent infectious diseases, especially in the cold season when colds and flu are commonplace. Highly moisturizing. Citrus fruits consist of 88% water and therefore have a strong moisturizing effect on the skin and the entire organism. They promote healthy intestinal flora. Due to the fiber content, the sugar contained in the fruits is healthy. They strengthen the immune system. Thanks to their vitamin C and vitamin A content, they also contribute to the good condition of skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones, etc. They provide folic acid. Folic acid is involved in the production of red and white blood cells and in the synthesis of genetic material. Minerals for daily activities. It contains the most potassium, but also small amounts of magnesium and phosphorus as well as calcium, which are extremely important for the proper functioning of our organism.

FruitVegetablesEUROPE advocates for, represents and promotes European fruit and vegetables. The members of FruitVegetablesEUROPE are national and regional federations and associations (primarily producer organizations and associations) and companies from the most important fruit and vegetable producing countries in the EU (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain).

Quelle: Fruit Vegetables Europe

Release date: 12/04/2023

#Ten #benefits #eating #citrus #fruits #day #winter #Fruit #portal

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