European elections: The x-ray of voting intention from Palmos Analysis at 2024-04-18 13:45:09


First of all, the age differentiation between the youngest and the oldest voters, which has been consistently observed in recent years, is also maintained in the specific survey: young people aged up to 34 are clearly more critical of the government and the New Democracy, while on the contrary, the elderly ( over 65) are clearly more supportive.


Thus, in the question about the direction of the country, only 25% of young people aged up to 34 years say that the country is moving in the right direction, while the corresponding percentage among the elderly reaches an impressive 52%. Accordingly, satisfaction with government work falls to 19% among young people, while it reaches 49% among the elderly. And of course the above reflects on the level of voting intention, with the ND. to collect only 14% among young people up to 34 years old, compared to an impressive 48% among the elderly over 65 years old.

Another interesting element in the demographic analysis of voting intention is the significant difference recorded between men and women in relation to the percentage of SYRIZA: among men, only 8% declare their intention to vote in favor of the party, compared to almost double the 14% that choose between women. In fact, combined with the higher penetration of PASOK-KINAL among men compared to its counterpart among women, it seems that SYRIZA is clearly the second party among women and PASOK-KINAL among men.

Geographically, the Hellenic Solution appears particularly strengthened in Northern Greece (it appears in second place and with a vote intention of 13% in Macedonia – Thrace), while the KKE registers a double-digit vote intention in Attica (11%), where it claims second place .


The rallying of the ND, in view of the European elections, is at a rather modest 58%, with the largest leakage of voters being recorded towards the Hellenic Solution (8%) and secondarily towards PASOK-KINAL (5%), while it is still to have a significant pool of undecided votes (17%), the final rallying of which will play a crucial role in achieving or not achieving the electoral goals of the ruling party.

The above completely explains the choice of the prime minister to raise the tone, polarize the climate and open multiple fronts against SYRIZA, PASOK-KINAL, the Greek Solution, but also against the relaxed vote in view of the European elections. Accordingly, SYRIZA shows a rally of 48% with significant leakages to its left (10% to the New Left and 7% to the KKE), but also to “protest” parties, such as the Hellenic Solution (4%) or the Freedom of Navigation (4%). The reservoir of the gray zone is also very large in SYRIZA (20%), leaving absolutely open any result, depending on the final rally that will be achieved in this part of its voters. PASOK-KINAL, finally, shows a rally of 60%, with a significant leakage towards the N.W. (8%, with which it exchanges voters), but also smaller leakages to smaller parties (of which 5% to the New Left stand out, while the pool of the gray zone is relatively limited here (14%).

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Voting intention

Significant reallocations are also recorded in voting intention based on self-positioning on the Left-Right axis. New Democracy dominates the center-right (56%) and right-wing (46%) voters, but among the latter it now faces double-digit competition from the Hellenic Solution (13%). At the same time, the Greek Solution (12%) is registered – with a double-digit percentage – in the area of ​​voters of the Center, occupying the third place behind N.D. (24%) and PASOK-KINAL (15%) and over SYRIZA (8%), which has an obvious problem of “conversing” with the moderate voters of this group.

Finally, the analysis of voting intention based on the ideological position of the voters is of particular interest. Among voters who feel close to social liberalism, neoliberalism and the popular Right, New Democracy dominates (54%, 57% and 53%, respectively). At the same time, however, it registers a remarkable penetration in areas such as social democracy (16%) and national patriotism (11%). SYRIZA leads among voters attracted to socialism (22%), while showing double-digit percentages in the areas of social democracy (14%), neoliberalism (12%) and communism (11%). PASOK-KINAL leads in the area of ​​social democracy (22%) and registers a high double-digit percentage in the area of ​​voters attracted by socialism (17%). The Hellenic Solution is the first party among voters who feel close to national patriotism (23%) and with a high percentage in the area of ​​the popular Right (13%), while the KKE dominates among voters who feel close to communism (58%), with a high also percentage of voting intention among those who believe in socialism (11%).

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