In Patra will be today, Thursday 9/05/2024, from early in the morning, the four-time Olympian and MEP candidate with New Democracy, Pyrros Dimasas part of his tour throughout Greece.
Pyrros Dimas in “P”: “The main issue is stability”
The “legend” of Weightlifting who has won four Olympic medals, will have meetings with representatives of the Municipality and the Regionwhile he will give a press conference in the followingnoon (19.00), at the offices of DEEP Achaia.
As announced by DEEP, Pyrros Dimas will have a meeting with the president of the organization Antonis Kounavis, members of the DEEP., executives and volunteers.
He will also have contacts with local media representatives, as well as the Pelopas union, so he can see the work being done in the Weightlifting department.
Pyrros Dimas will talk regarding his goals ahead of the European elections, regarding the big issue which is political stability, the rise of the extreme right, but also the major issue of accuracy.
The MEP candidate he will stay for two days in Achaiaas following Patras, tomorrow he will be in the neighboring area Holy, where he will attend the events planned for “Our Lady of Tripiti”.
At the same time, he will have meetings with local bodies and associations, wanting to send his message to as many citizens as possible ahead of the European elections.
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