European Council: Condemned Iranian attacks against Israel

The European Council condemns her attack by Iran against Israelcalls for every effort to avoid escalation and calls on all parties to exercise maximum restraint.

Charles Michel pointed out that the European Council favored an “immediate ceasefire” and the distribution of more humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. He also stressed that it is very important to isolate Iran.

Asked if there are indications how Israel will soon retaliate, the president of the European Council referred to the statements of the G7 and the European Council urging all parties to show restraint. “This is the clear message. This is really our common position”he insisted.

In the conclusions about the Middle East adopted by the European leaders late Wednesday evening, the following are highlighted:

«The European Council strongly and categorically condemns Iran’s attack on Israel and reiterates its full solidarity with the people of Israel and its commitment to Israel’s security and regional stability. The European Council calls on Iran and its proxies to cease all attacks and urges all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any action that could escalate tensions in the region.”

European leaders stress that the EU will take further restrictive measures against Iranespecially in relation to unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles. They also emphasize that “the EU remains fully committed to contributing to de-escalation and security in the region».

At the same time, the European Council reiterates its commitment to work with its allies and partners to end without delay the crisis in the Gaza Strip and calls for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2728, which provides for “an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages, as well as the provision of full, rapid, safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid” for Palestinians who have it need. It is also underlined that the EU remains firmly committed to “lasting sustainable peace based on the two-state solution”.

For him Lebanonthe European leaders stress in their conclusions that the EU is ready to work with all in order to “prevent further escalation of tensions in the region and in particular in Lebanon”. The EU’s strong support for Lebanon and the Lebanese people is recalled and the difficult conditions that Lebanon is experiencing internally and as a result of regional tensions are acknowledged. It also states that the EU remains committed to Lebanon’s stability, including by supporting necessary reforms and strengthening support for its armed forces.

European leaders reaffirm the EU’s determination to support the most vulnerable people in Lebanon, including refugees, internally displaced people and host communities in need, as well as providing support to combat human trafficking and smuggling. In addition, the European Council confirms the need to create conditions for safe, voluntary, dignified returns of Syrian refugees, as defined by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

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