European cooperation should boost the AM industry and the implementation of 3D printing

2023-12-12 16:44:50

A key strategy to stimulate the growth of AM lies in promoting industrial cooperation. The focus of this collaboration should be on joint innovation, with the key players in the AM ecosystem joining forces. This is what Vincenzo Belletti, director of EU Public Affairs at CECIMO, the association of European machine builders, says. He calls on the EU to support a European AM initiative.

Vincenzo Belletti writes this in the new edition of CECIMO Magazine. In the article he discusses the steps needed to develop a European leading position in additive manufacturing. According to him, collaboration between the various parties in the AM ecosystem is a way to stimulate the growth of additive manufacturing in Europe.

Vincenzo Belletti: call for European AM initiative

Pool resources, people and expertise

In concrete terms, Vincenzo Belletti argues that AM companies should be able to pool their resources, people and expertise and work together to further progress the sector. “The common goal must be to develop innovative ideas and technologies that meet customer needs,” said Vincenzo Belletti. This joint innovation accelerates the development of AM and ensures that the transformative potential of additive manufacturing is fully realized.

EU can take the lead

The European Union can take the lead in this, Belletti believes. The launch of such a European AM initiative contributes to keeping the European manufacturing industry competitive. Thanks to additive manufacturing, this might also be better aligned with the digital and green transition that Europe wants. An official EU support action for AM should raise awareness, provide policy guidance, lead to common standards, attract investment, build a skilled workforce and promote synergies between Member States, regions, industries and stakeholders.

This will remove the obstacles to growth of the sector. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular can then receive better guidance in the integration of AM technologies into their production processes.

Read here the entire article by Vincenco Belletti

FPT VIMAG, member of the European organization CECIMO, takes note TechniShow 2024 (12-15 March in Utrecht) a focus theme of additive manufacturing.

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