the essential
On Friday December 11, 2020, a player from the south of France had won 200 million euros at EuroMillions. Today, with this money, he claims to have created a foundation dedicated to the protection of the environment.
He was already planning two years ago to “create his own foundation”, “to inject several tens of millions into it” and “to make donations, in particular, to hospitals”. It is now done. The second biggest winner of the EuroMillions, nicknamed “Guy” in the press releases of the Française des Jeux (FDJ), had won on December 11, 2020 the colossal sum of 200 million euros. Originally from the south of France, this retiree, a former executive, had become in the space of a few minutes the 400th fortune of France.
Two years later, this occasional EuroMillions player, whose priority has always been “to help as many people as possible”, is in the process of transferring almost all of his money to Anyama, a foundation dedicated to the protection of the environment, created in the greatest discretion just a year ago this Wednesday, reveals The Parisian.
“We have never seen an initiative of this magnitude”
“I have passed on most of my gain and will gradually give almost all of it”, assures the generous donor, who still wishes to remain anonymous: “I am not trying to make myself known”, he insists, he who “wishes to continue to live peacefully, in the most total discretion.”
“We have never seen an initiative of this magnitude, admits to the same newspaper Isabelle Cesari, responsible for relations with big winners at the Française des jeux. “But we have also rarely seen gains of this magnitude. Often it goes hand in hand.”