Euro: Křetínský is the richest Czech and Slovak for the first time

At the head of this year’s ranking of the richest Czechs and Slovaks, compiled by a weekly magazine Eurohe got for the first time Daniel Křetínský. His holdings jumped from 217 to 390 billion crowns.

He takes the second place according to the ranking Renata Kellnerová z PPFthe heir to the family empire after the tragic death of Peter Kellner. Its assets increased by 65 billion na 350 billion crowns.

He moved to third place Patrik Tkačco-founder of the J&T investment group, with an estimated net worth 260 billion crowns.

All three named are also owners of media companies. Daniel Křetínský is a co-owner of the company Czech Media Investunder which, among other things, it falls Czech News Centerand he also does business in the media abroad. Group PPF Renata Kellnerová controls several media companies in Europe including New TV. A Patrik Tkač is, among other things, a co-owner of the aforementioned Czech Media Invest.

The other rungs of the list of Czech and Slovak billionaires of the Euro weekly in this year’s edition belong to Karl Komárek (170 billion), Pavlo Tykač (145 billion), Radovan Vítek (132 billion), Andrej Babiš (85 billion), Michal Strnad (56 billion), Tomáš Chrenko (55 miliard) a Jozef Tkáč (53 billion).



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