Euro 7: the obligation to filter dust from…

The principle of Euro standards who fix the minimum requirements in terms of releases and of pollution for vehicles has been in application since 1991. Since 2015, the Euro 6 standard has applied, a legislation that has evolved and has had several versions, always stricter: Euro 6c in 2018, Euro 6d Temp in 2019 and Euro 6d in 2021. Expected to come into force in 2025the Euro 7 standards must succeed the 6 and it will probably be the last of its kind given the Europe’s desire to release thermal models from 2035.

For the buildersl’stakes is size. Because these are caught in a vice currently between investments colossal amounts necessary for the development of electric car and those that will be mandatory for the Euro 7 standard which is announced to be particularly strict. Or, les builders are particularly worried of the content of this new standard, because the disclosure of its content has been postponed several times, which limits the time for action to satisfy 1is January 2025. Europe announced the publication text for this summer.

The brakes too

brakes remmen brakes

That said, as always, when the going gets tough, a few information filter. And this is the case for the Euro 7 standard. We learn in particular from the Commission itself as the calculation of fine and ultrafine particle emissions, i.e. PM10 and PM2.5, will also include brake dust. “According to the latest findings, the law will consider the need to limit emissions of PM2.5 and nanoparticles from all types of combustion engines, and brakes on conventional and electric cars,” says theEuropean standard-setting body. This therefore means that we do not focus here on the (still) smaller PM1 (<1 μm such as dust, combustion particles).

Advantaged electrics and hybrids?

In this context, the actions that will have to be taken to depollute vehicles will therefore be important. And they obviously risk further driving up the car prices. Because it will be necessary to mount a suction system at the source (thanks to a electric turbine) to capture the micro dust emitted by braking before they disperse into the air. Of course, the electric and hybrid cars (true hybrids) will be advantaged in this fight once morest particles since their battery regeneration system makes it possible to use less physical braking system.

So here it is one of the new constraints with which the builders will have to composer in the months and years to come. The Commission’s position has of course already made set up several associations in the niche and in particular that of German car manufacturers (the VDA). For the body, it needs standards clear, but which are also aligned with available technologies. The VDA welcomes the initiative which will be constructive for the environmentbut also calls for this new standard to be technically and economically balancedalso for the consumer at the risk that thermal cars become unaffordable.



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