Eulen Colombia encourages its collaborators with physical and mental health activities

Knowing the importance of women in its workforce and the invaluable significance of its collaborators in Colombia, the Eulen Group encourages their well-being at work with activities focused on physical and mental health care.

Talks on breast cancer prevention, varicose vein prevention, HIV prevention, as well as constant healthy lifestyle classes, relaxation activities such as yoga, spa and “rumbatherapy”are some of the concrete actions of the personnel management system program, throughout the year and not only around Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8.

Grupo Eulen, a Spanish service outsourcing company, which has been in Colombia for 22 years, gives recognition to the female workforce. Not surprisingly, 60.29% of its payroll is made up of working women, who enjoy a main incentive in formalizing employment within the guidelines of equality and respect.

For Grupo Eulen, women are of vital importance within the labor framework in general and the proper functioning of the company in particular. “We seek to give them a differential value, place them where they deserve, because we are sure of the great role they play in society. We know and are aware that they are capable of generating a series of important and different processes,” assured Olivia Rico, director of human resources, through a press release.

As an expert on the subject, Olivia Rico also explains that women in the workplace have greater skills and abilities, such as: attention to detail, they are capable of generating high levels of empathy, of putting themselves in the other’s shoes without losing objectivity, they have the ability to perform multitasks, they are versatile, they relate easily and they are easily oriented towards tasks related to the serviceamong other.

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