EU has no voice of its own – 2024-07-27 18:30:00

“There is a great deal of frustration in Europe because of our Prime Minister’s peace mission.”

With these words, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó began an interview for the Swiss Weltwoche. The minister sees envy behind this, because Viktor Orbán is practically the last and currently only politician in Europe who can meet with all the important players in world politics and global security at the same time. The foreign minister specifically mentioned Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jin-Ping and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But behind the attacks on Orbán’s Hungary there is also fear, “because people are beginning to realise that the EU has pursued a bad and unsuccessful strategy in the Ukraine war, which is causing enormous damage to citizens”.

Péter Szijjártó explained that the peace mission was initiated independently because the EU has no weight in world politics today.

Criticism of the “opinion bubble”

Szijjártó referred to the fake news that is constantly being repeated by the mainstream media that Viktor Orbán had spoken on behalf of the EU. “We made it clear that Hungary did not want to claim the right to represent the EU in these talks. We are fully aware that the Council Presidency has nothing to do with the EU’s external representation.” The Prime Minister launched the peace mission on his own initiative, if only because the EU is no longer seen as a major player in world politics. Viktor Orbán can, meanwhile, bring his experience as the Prime Minister with the longest term in office in Europe, his vision and his courage to speak openly about the future of Europe and in the name of the peace camp.

“In the EU, we are not respected for our position. We are condemned, stigmatised and lectured. If you don’t say what the mainstream wants to hear, there is no room for realistic debates, for common sense.”

Szijjártó also criticized the mainstream media’s “opinion bubble,” saying that they try to convince citizens that the Euro-Atlantic position in the Ukraine war is the dominant one in the world, which is far from the truth. Anyone who has the courage to break free from this bubble will quickly see that the global majority of states respect the Hungarian position – which is criticized in the EU – and show sympathy and approval.

The solution must come from outside!

The fact that the Russians are playing for time because time is working in their favour is another fact that the West wants to dismiss as Russian propaganda. The Ukrainians need more and more support, but they will receive this support as long as the Democrats are in power in the USA. Orbán has learned from his talks that under these circumstances we cannot expect either the Russians or the Ukrainians to end the war. The solution must come from outside, which is what the USA, China and “still Europe” are offering. “Unfortunately, the EU is now only copying the USA’s strategy, acting as its assistant, without having its own voice,” complained the foreign minister. “The current American government is clearly in favour of war. But if there is a change of power there, two major powers will want peace, which will create a completely new situation.” In this context, the Hungarian chief diplomat asked for more attention to be paid to the Chinese-Brazilian peace initiative.




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