EU external border: Nehammer calls for “finally concrete action”

Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner use the Easter holidays to intensify the fight against “illegal migration and people smuggling significantly”. In a joint broadcast, the ÖVP politicians announced “further support” for border protection in the Balkans. Austria is currently deployed in various Balkan countries and Hungary with 130 police officers and five thermal imaging buses. The police units and technical equipment are to be increased, it is said. Eight more buses are “in the procurement phase”.

Austria also wants to “maintain the pressure” at EU level. As a reminder, Karner voted against Romania and Bulgaria joining the visa-free Schengen area last December. Austria’s blockade, which was heavily criticized within the EU, remains in place: Schengen accession will benot allow until the EU’s external borders are effectively protected and the numbers (illegal migrant, ed.) have fallen permanently,” emphasizes the ÖVP leadership.

Demand for EU funds

At the EU summit in February, we made great progress when it came to putting down clear words for the problems in the fight against illegal migration and defining the first steps towards a solution. Action must now follow these words,” says Nehammer However, Nehammer is demanding two billion just for the expansion of the fence between Bulgaria and Turkey.The EU Commission must now quickly distribute the promised funds.

Meanwhile, there has been repeated criticism of illegal deportations in the Balkan region. While migrants may be prevented from crossing the border, they may no longer be returned once they have made their way inland. Chat messages from Croatian police officers, those of the NGO Lighthouse Reports leaked indicate several such so-called “pushbacks”. There are similar allegations against the other Balkan states.

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