EU calls for new pesticide impact assessment


The 27 Member States of the European Union want a new study on the impact of pesticides by the European Commission, and in particular on food sovereignty in the context of the war in Ukraine, reports the Tribune in one of its recent publications on its website. recalls, moreover, that Europe had nevertheless announced a 50% reduction in the use of pesticides by 2023. The Commission says it is ready to listen to the proposals and does not intend to delay the regulation. We learn that the associations, for their part, denounce a “cynical maneuver” to delay the reduction of pesticides. “The 27 gave the European Commission 6 months to complete this study. A scenario that raises questions when there are only 6 years left to reverse the curve of pesticide use. In France, the quantity of pesticides used remained identical in 2021 to that of 2008, despite the two successive Ecophyto I and Ecophyto 2 plans which aimed to reduce their use”, points out

The same source says member countries are worried about dwindling yields, even as the war in Ukraine has led to supply problems in the year 2022.

It should be recalled that the European Commission had drawn up a roadmap at the end of June 2022, presenting the different stages to achieve the objective of reducing pesticides by 50%. In a statement, the federation which represents the interests of farmers at European level, Copa Cogeca, believes that “in the light of the current circumstances, it is crucial that agricultural yields remain stable to produce enough high quality and affordable products. “, highlighted

The same source notes that this decision, taken by the various Ministers of Agriculture of the countries of the European Union and announced by the Czech Presidency on Monday evening, comes shortly after the historic signing of COP15 which stipulates a reduction in the risk of pesticides by 50% by 2030.

For its part, the Commission announced that it would carefully consider requests from States to add data and analysis and that it was currently preparing a specific analysis of food security factors in the light of the war in Ukraine and its effects.

Similarly, the Commission has announced the presentation to the general public, very soon, of its analysis of the important factors concerning food safety and including the use of pesticides. also points out that the European Commission made the choice, at the beginning of December, to authorize glyphosate for the year 2023 as long as the study of its impact on the environment and on humans, planned by the European Food Safety Authority food (Efsa), has not been carried out.

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