EU Approves COVID Vaccine for All 27 Member Nations

EU Approves COVID Vaccine for All 27 Member Nations

The Medicines Authority of the European Union (EU), the bloc of the most important and powerful countries in the world, has approved the use of the Corona vaccine for 27 countries of the organization.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Union’s medicine authority, approved the use of the vaccine jointly developed by the German company <a href="" title="Pfizer, the Covid-19 champion laboratory”>BioNTech and the American company Pfizer.

According to the British news agency BBC, the European Medicines Agency approved the use of the vaccine on December 21 in a special meeting called for the use of the vaccine.

After the approval of the Medicines Agency, the European Commission also approved the use of the vaccine.

The EU bloc includes 27 countries, including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland, which will now be able to use the vaccine.

It is now up to member states to decide what their national medicine agency decides on the use of the vaccine, but as members of the European Union, all 27 countries can now use the vaccine.

In this regard, the Reuters news agency said that after the approval of the European Commission and the Medicines Agency, vaccination will be started in Europe from December 27, and vaccination will be started in Germany first.

After Germany, vaccination is likely to start in other member states including France between December 28 and 29, however, in some member states, vaccination will start from the first week of next year.

The European Union has already contracted vaccine manufacturers to supply more than 100 million doses to nearly 50 million people in the region.

The European Medicines Agency, while approving the use of the vaccine, said that the said vaccine protects up to 95% of people aged 16 years and above.

Before the European Union, the United Kingdom approved the use of the said vaccine and became the first country to approve the vaccine.

Apart from the United Kingdom and the European Union, the USA, Canada, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have also approved the use of the said vaccine.

While the use of the said vaccine has also been started in the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the state of Dubai in the UAE.

#European #Union #approved #corona #vaccine #countries
2024-09-12 15:09:23

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European ‌Medicines Agency Approves COVID-19 Vaccine for‍ 27 EU Countries

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the medicine authority​ of the European Union, has ‍approved the use of the COVID-19 ​vaccine jointly developed by⁢ German company BioNTech‌ and American company Pfizer for 27 countries in the EU bloc [[1]]. This landmark approval is a significant step forward in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,‍ allowing member ⁤states to utilize the vaccine to protect their ⁣citizens.

Background of ​the Approval

The EMA approved the use of the vaccine in a special meeting on December ⁤21, following‌ a thorough review of the ‌data submitted by BioNTech and Pfizer [[1]]. The European Commission⁢ subsequently approved the use of the vaccine, paving the way for its deployment across‌ the ​EU‌ [[2]].

Coverage and Rollout

The⁤ EU bloc, which includes‌ countries such as Germany, France, ⁢Spain, ‌Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland, will ‌now be able to use the vaccine to inoculate their populations ‍ [[1]]. While the decision to ‍use ⁤the vaccine ultimately lies with​ each member state’s⁤ national medicine‍ agency, all 27 countries⁢ can‍ now access the vaccine as members of the EU.

According to Reuters, vaccination is set to begin in Europe on⁤ December 27, with⁤ Germany⁤ being the first country ⁢to start administering the vaccine [[1]]. France is expected to⁢ follow ⁣suit‍ between⁤ December 28 and 29, while other member states will begin⁣ vaccination in the first week of next year [[1]].

Vaccine Efficacy and Supply

The European ‌Medicines Agency has stated that ⁢the⁣ vaccine protects ‍up to 95% of⁤ people aged 16 years and above [[1]]. The EU has already contracted ⁣vaccine manufacturers⁢ to supply over 100 million doses, enough to‌ inoculate nearly 50 million people in the region [[1]].

Ongoing Developments

In recent months, BioNTech ⁣and ‍Pfizer ‌have continued to work on developing and improving their COVID-19 vaccine. In July 2022, ⁣they completed a submission to the EMA for an Omicron-adapted COVID-19 booster vaccine, which has been developed to produce a better immune⁢ response to circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2 [[3]]. ‍Additionally, they have submitted data supporting the vaccination of children aged 5‌ to <12 years with COMIRNATY (COVID-19 mRNA vaccine) to the EMA [[2]].

the approval of​ the COVID-19 vaccine‍ by the European ​Medicines Agency is a significant milestone in ⁢the fight against ‌the pandemic. With‌ the vaccine ‍now ‌available to 27 ⁢EU countries, millions of people will be able to access this life-saving treatment, helping to protect public health and ⁤mitigate the⁤ spread of the virus.





Europe COVID vaccine recommendations 2024

European Medicines Agency Approves COVID-19 Vaccine for 27 EU Countries

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), the medicine authority of the European Union, has approved the use of the COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by German company BioNTech and American company Pfizer for 27 countries in the EU bloc [[1]]. This landmark approval is a significant step forward in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing member states to utilize the vaccine to protect their citizens.

Background of the Approval

The EMA approved the use of the vaccine in a special meeting on December 21, following a thorough review of the data submitted by BioNTech and Pfizer [[1]]. The European Commission subsequently approved the use of the vaccine, paving the way for its deployment across the EU [[2]].

Coverage and Rollout

The EU bloc, which includes countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, and Iceland, will now



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