Eternal Charm: The Lasting Enchantment of ‘Talsam Hosharba’ Through the Ages

Talsim Hosharba is a unique and unparalleled literary masterpiece of Urdu literature which is a part of Dastan Amir Hamza as well as a complete Dastan which started to be published in 1884 and continued till 1893.

It was published by Munshi Noel Kishore, the biggest publisher of Urdu literature so far, in eight thick volumes with more or less 20,000 pages.

The first four volumes of Talisman Hosharba were compiled by Syed Muhammad Hussain Jah and the last four volumes by Ahmad Hussain Qamar.

The series of publications of this great masterpiece continued even after the establishment of Pakistan, but all these publications were actually copies of ancient publications, due to which its ancient spelling, old style of writing and mixed words are confusing to modern readers. It was not easy to read and understand.

In view of these circumstances, well-known English writer, storyteller, translator and publisher Musharraf Ali Farooqui undertook to publish this masterpiece of Urdu literature according to the requirements of the modern era to bring it to the modern readers.

The first volume of Talisman Hosharba has been published by his organization Kitab Publishers, which is a masterpiece like its text.

While talking to Independent Urdu, he said that Talism Hosharba Dastan is the most colorful and interesting part of Ameer Hamza.

“We can proudly place Talisman Hosharba in front of the world’s greatest literature and it is a small word compared to all of them. In its imagination, color and breadth, which is its canvas, it is much more than all of them. is ahead.’

He said that the entire text has been compiled afresh for the publication of this literary masterpiece.

‘The meaning of his difficult words is written. Translations of Persian poems are included in it and the punctuation marks are included in it, Arabs are added to the words and this edition has been prepared after a lot of hard work.

This edition of Talisman Hosharba can be called an illustrated edition, in which, apart from the illustrations of the characters, much attention has been paid to the decoration of the cover and inner pages.

Musharraf Ali Farooqui explains that the reason for the hard work and investment on this book is that it is a masterpiece of our Urdu literature. So if we have to reintroduce it to the new generation, it has to have a quality, it has to be prepared and presented with love.’

He said that the old manuscripts were printed on litho, which was written upside down on a stone and then printed, so the text was not easy to read for today’s reader, but the modern font it is published in now. Very easy to read.

Musharraf Ali Farooqui has been working on Urdu classical literature since 2007 and it is in a way his passion.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

He said that there are many languages ​​which have preserved their classical literature and their new editions keep coming but in our country they are neither promoted nor translated much. .

‘It’s a model we’re trying to put forward to see if work can be done along these lines and thus classic literature can be promoted.’

He said about his favorite part of Talasm Hosharba, “There is not a single page in it that is devoid of interest, but it contains the stories of Umar Ayyar and his remaining four Ayyars, and then the Ayyars.” There are, that is to say, women are very interesting stories.’

On the question of making a film or TV series on this literary masterpiece, he said that in this regard, various production houses and different film directors have contacted him who want to make it in the form of a film or series.

In this regard, progress has been made on some things and discussions are ongoing on some things, so God willing, something like this will happen soon.

In response to a question regarding the high cost of the book, he said that it has added colorful pages with illustrations, which cost a lot, while the cost of paper has also increased enormously.

‘Also, this is a test project as there are 23 more volumes to come. This is a 24 volume project so where will the funding come from? It will come from this that by selling it, these books will grow further and through them some more money will come in order to prepare for the next volumes.

He said that when the 24 volumes of Talisman Hosharba are published, their paperback and mass market editions will also be published so that no reader misses out on this literary treasure due to the high price.

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#charm #Talsam #Hosharba #remains #intact #passage #century
2024-09-12 21:04:45

⁢ What is the significance ‍of Talsim Hosharba in Urdu literature?

The Timeless Charm of Talsim Hosharba: A Literary Masterpiece of Urdu Literature

Talsim Hosharba, a unique and unparalleled literary masterpiece of Urdu literature, has been⁣ a part of ‍Dastan Amir Hamza⁣ and a complete Dastan‌ in its own right. First published in 1884 and continued till 1893, this magnificent work​ has stood the test of‍ time, captivating ⁤readers for generations. Despite ⁢being over a century old, the charm of‌ Talsim Hosharba remains intact, and its significance in Urdu literature cannot be overstated.

A Publishing Milestone

Talsim Hosharba was published by ⁣Munshi Noel Kishore, the biggest publisher of‍ Urdu literature, ​in eight thick volumes with approximately 20,000 pages. The first ⁢four volumes were compiled by Syed ‌Muhammad Hussain Jah, while the last four volumes were compiled by Ahmad Hussain Qamar. This monumental work has been ​a testament to the ‍richness and diversity of Urdu literature.

Modernization for the Modern Reader

While the series of publications of Talsim Hosharba continued even after the establishment of Pakistan, the ancient spelling, old style of writing, and mixed words made it challenging⁣ for modern readers to read and understand. Recognizing the need to​ make this masterpiece accessible to a new generation, well-known English writer, storyteller, translator, and publisher Musharraf Ali Farooqui ⁤took on the task ​of publishing Talsim‍ Hosharba according to the requirements of the modern era.

A Labour of Love

Musharraf Ali Farooqui has been working on Urdu classical literature since 2007, and his passion for Talsim Hosharba ⁤is evident in the care and attention he has brought to the publication. The entire text has been‌ compiled afresh, with difficult words explained, ⁤translations of Persian poems included, and punctuation marks added to make it easier to read⁣ and understand. This edition can be called an ⁢illustrated edition, with ⁢beautiful illustrations of characters, ornate cover and inner pages, making it a masterpiece ‌in⁣ its own right.

Promoting Classic Literature

Musharraf Ali Farooqui believes that Talsim Hosharba is a ⁤model for promoting classic⁣ literature. He notes that many languages ‍have preserved their classical literature, with new ⁣editions continually being published, but ‌in our country, ⁤they are often neglected. By publishing Talsim Hosharba, he aims to show that classic⁢ literature can be promoted and made accessible to a new generation.

A New Lease on Life

The publication of Talsim Hosharba has opened​ up new possibilities for this literary masterpiece. Musharraf Ali Farooqui has been approached by production houses and film‍ directors who want to adapt it into a ⁣film or series. While discussions are ongoing, the prospect of bringing Talsim Hosharba to life on screen is an exciting one.

The Cost of Quality

When asked⁤ about the high cost of the book, Musharraf Ali Farooqui explained that the addition of colorful pages with illustrations, as ‍well as the increased cost of paper, had driven up ⁣the price. However, he⁤ sees this as a worthwhile investment, as the publication ‍of Talsim Hosharba is ⁣a test project for the next 23 volumes, ​which will be funded through the sale of this‍ book.


Talsim Hosharba is a literary masterpiece that ⁤has stood the test of time, and its ⁢publication is a testament to ​the power of literature to transcend generations. Musharraf Ali Farooqui’s⁢ dedication to bringing⁣ this work to life ‌for a new generation is a labour of love, and his passion for Urdu classical literature is‌ evident ⁤in ‍every page of this beautifully illustrated edition. As we look to the future, the publication of ⁢Talsim Hosharba is a reminder‍ of the importance​ of preserving and promoting our cultural heritage.


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Here are some potential PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Tilism Hoshruba: A Timeless Masterpiece of Urdu Literature”**:

Tilism Hoshruba: A Timeless Masterpiece of Urdu Literature

Tilism Hoshruba, a fantasy epic in Urdu literature, is a unique and unparalleled literary masterpiece that has been a part of Dastan Amir Hamza as well as a complete Dastan since its publication in 1884. This monumental work, published in eight thick volumes with over 20,000 pages, was compiled by Syed Muhammad Hussain Jah and Ahmad Hussain Qamar. The series of publications continued even after the establishment of Pakistan, but the ancient spelling, old style of writing, and mixed words made it difficult for modern readers to understand.

To make this masterpiece accessible to modern readers, well-known English writer, storyteller, translator, and publisher Musharraf Ali Farooqui undertook the task of publishing it according to the requirements of the modern era. The first volume of Tilism Hoshruba has been published by Kitab Publishers, which is a masterpiece like its text. Farooqui believes that Tilism Hoshruba Dastan is the most colorful and interesting part of Ameer Hamza, and it can be proudly placed alongside the world’s greatest literature.

The entire text has been compiled afresh for the publication of this literary masterpiece, with difficult words translated, Persian poems included, and punctuation marks added. This edition can be called an illustrated edition, with attention paid to the decoration of the cover and inner pages. Farooqui explains that the reason for the hard work and investment on this book is that it is a masterpiece of Urdu literature, and it needs to be reintroduced to the new generation with quality and love.

The old manuscripts were printed on litho, which made the text difficult to read for modern readers. However, the modern font used in the new publication makes it very easy to read. Farooqui has been working on Urdu classical literature since 2007, and it is his passion. He believes that there are many languages that have preserved their classical literature and continue to publish new editions, but in Pakistan, these works are neither promoted nor translated much.

Tilism Hoshruba is not just a literary masterpiece but also a cultural treasure of Urdu literature. The book contains stories of Umar Ayyar and his remaining four Ayyars, which are very interesting and engaging. The publication of Tilism Hoshruba is not just a test project but a model to promote classic literature. Musharraf Ali Farooqui’s efforts have paved the way for the promotion of Urdu classical literature, and it is likely that this literary masterpiece will be adapted into a film or TV series soon.

In fact, various production houses and film directors have already contacted Farooqui to make a film or series based on Tilism Hoshruba [[1]]. The high cost of the book is due to the addition of colorful pages with illustrations, which has increased the cost of paper. Despite the challenges, Farooqi’s passion for Urdu classical literature has led to the revival of this masterpiece, making it accessible to modern readers.

Hoshruba, as a fantasy epic, is a unique blend of adventure, magic, and romance, with a vast array of characters and events. The book has been described as a “small word” compared to other literary masterpieces, but its imagination, color, and breadth make it a standout work of Urdu literature [[2]]. In fact, Tilism Hoshruba is considered the world’s longest fantasy epic in Urdu, with over 20,000 pages of thrilling adventures and enchanting stories [[3]].

Tilism Hoshruba is a timeless masterpiece of Urdu literature that has been revived for modern readers. Musharraf Ali Farooqui’s efforts have not only made this literary treasure accessible but have also paved the way for the promotion of Urdu classical literature. This fantasy epic is a must-read for anyone interested in Urdu literature, and its adaptation into



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