Eszter Földes’ love life takes a surprising turn

The whole country was shocked when Esther Földes and András Lovasi in a terse statement, they let the world know that after 10 years and one child together, they parted ways. Fans were surprised despite the fact that the actress gave several signs that there is indeed a storm in Paradise.

Eszter Földes and András Lovasi decided to divorce after 10 years Photo: Archive / HOT magazine

Bors was the first to write about the crisis in the marriage of the popular actress and the frontman of the band Kispál and Borz. At the time, Eszter Földes posted a telling quote for a sad photo in her Instagram story:

“I loved you unfaithful, what if you were faithful”

– quoted the lines of Jean Racine, the actress, who later repeatedly hinted on social media that the seemingly ideal marriage was in a serious crisis.

Eszter Földes has been particularly active in the virtual world since the announcement of their breakup, even though this was not typical of her at all before. A couple of weeks ago, with a bikini photo and a Sex and New York quote, she made it known that she really enjoys being single, and then she left the country. Later, there were reports that he had tattoos and he also changed his hair color. Of course, these signs all indicate that he is ready to start a completely new life and perhaps he has already managed to leave the past behind him, which is certainly not an easy task.

According to the fortune teller, Eszter Földes will find her way back to András Lovasi

Bors contacted star fortune teller Évi Lénárt, a parapsychologist who has already predicted the future of many celebrities. Well, according to the expert, the breakup between Eszter and András is anything but final, even if the actress is now very much enjoying being single!

“I see that this is not over yet, now this breakup is really good for them, but in a few years they will get back together, András will win Eszter back, he loves her very much, and in fact Eszter loves him, he just needs this single life now . However, she will realize that her heart is drawn back to András, but now they will not be together for two or three years. After that, yes” the fortune teller revealed to Ripost, who also foresees that a new man will enter Eszter Földes’ life at Christmas, but this romance will not be long-lived.



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