Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has resigned to become EU foreign affairs chief

Written by: Bence K. Rácz

Kaja Kallas, Estonia’s first female prime minister, has resigned to become the head of the European Union’s foreign affairs. The prime minister’s move results in the resignation of Kallas’ three-party government. The climate protection minister of the party coalition, Kristen Michal, was chosen as his possible successor.


Kaja Kallas, Estonia’s first female prime minister, has resigned to become the head of the European Union’s foreign affairs. The prime minister’s move automatically results in the resignation of Kallas’ three-party government, which is made up of the center-right Reform Party, the Social Democratic Party and the liberal Estonia 200 party.

Kallas, 47, has been one of the most vocal supporters of Ukraine since the February 2022 Russian invasion. He is actively involved in efforts to punish Russia with sanctions, send military aid to Ukraine and strengthen the country’s defense system.

On June 29, the Reform Party announced that the party’s climate protection minister, Kristen Michal, had been chosen to replace Kallas as prime ministerial candidate. Michal’s nomination must be approved by the Estonian president and parliament, where the coalition has a comfortable majority.



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