Essential Oils for Winter Health: Boost Immunity and Fight Infections with Ravintsara and Niaouli

2023-11-02 06:00:00

Among the essential oils to favor during the winter season, we advise you to turn to anti-infectious products and with anti-viral properties.

Ravintsara, from the camphor plant, is one of the essential oils essential during winter. If it is effective in treating colds or in the event of a flu-type infection, it is also used as a preventative measure! In fact, it helps stimulate the immune system while fighting fatigue. In terms of dosage, ravintsara essential oil can be used in different ways, but we most often recommend opting for the cutaneous route or inhalation. To make the most of its preventive benefits, simply apply one or two pure drops to the wrists for five days. If you suffer from a cold, choose inhalation instead. By breathing in a few drops of ravintsara diluted in hot water, you can say goodbye to a blocked nose!

Do you suffer from angina? Opt for niaouli essential oil. Antibacterial and antiviral, this oil is another essential in your pharmacy in preparation for winter. Fighting infections (bacterial and viral), it is also very useful for relieving fatty coughs. The application is simple: in case of angina, simply pour a drop of niaouli essential oil into a tablespoon of honey and follow this treatment four times a day for three days. Niaouli is also used on the thorax as a massage by simply diluting a drop of product in a little vegetable oil.

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