Essential HIV Testing: Protecting Your Health and Preventing Infections

2023-07-09 09:00:00

Even if a person feels well, he may be infected. Therefore, regular HIV testing is essential.

Same numbers every year

From year to year, according to doctors, approximately the same number of residents of Tatarstan learn regarding their HIV-positive status. The figures are not growing significantly, but there is no trend towards a decrease in the number of infected, doctors say.

“It is difficult to believe in this diagnosis and accept that this happened to you. The first reaction is shock, bewilderment and denial. We have to explain that the blood of this person was examined and the analysis twice showed a positive result. After that, we find out if there were situations when a person might become infected, and then he admits that there was still a risk, ”says the psychotherapist.

Roza Muhametova I am sure that it is necessary to talk as much as possible regarding the problem of HIV infection in the media, paying special attention to young people. This is the only way to protect people from this dangerous infection.

“Although recently we have a strange trend: older people who, it would seem, will never face this infection, are infected. Personal life continues, and people over 50 years old began to actively become infected with this virus. We also have 75-year-old patients who have recently learned regarding their diagnosis, ”says the psychotherapist.

It is necessary to talk as much as possible regarding the problem of HIV infection in the media, paying special attention to young people

Photo: © Mikhail Zakharov / Tatar-inform

Infection through needles has become less common, but unprotected intercourse remains the main method of infection

The most common way of transmission is through unprotected sexual contact. Over the past ten years, the ratio in favor of the route of transmission has grown. At the same time, the transmission of the virus through a needle while using drugs has faded into the background, the doctor cites statistics.

Even if a person feels well, he may be infected. Therefore, regular HIV testing is essential. The first symptoms may appear following a few years. But everything is individual: in some patients, immediately following infection, HIV passes into the next stage – AIDS.

“AIDS is the end result of carrying this virus over the years. It happens that a person comes to us for several years and is still not prescribed drugs for AIDS, because he does not need them. He is a carrier of HIV, and the stage of AIDS does not threaten him yet. If not observed and treated, AIDS will come sooner or later. If drugs are taken, a person’s immunity will approach the level of a healthy person, and the analysis of viral load can reach zero,” explains Roza Mukhametova.

If it suddenly happens that you have unprotected intercourse with a person whose status is unknown, you have 72 hours to take the drug.

“After all, no one has it written on their foreheads – healthy or not healthy. It often happens that a person himself does not know regarding his status. Then there are three whole days to help yourself not to get infected. There is a preventive treatment for infection, and it begins to work if these 72 hours have not expired. Therefore, if the risk is admitted, you must contact the AIDS center, the infectious disease doctor will prescribe this drug for you for one month. And then the person is guaranteed that he will protect himself from this terrible virus, ”says the psychotherapist.

Roza Mukhametova believes that the statistics on infection with this infection directly depends on moral education. Promiscuous sex allows HIV to infiltrate our society. But even intimacy following marriage is no guarantee.

“Why not get tested before entering into an intimate relationship, before entering into marriage? In some countries, registry offices recommend that you undergo an examination before applying. So the partner can not be infected, and not jeopardize the health of the unborn child. And with us it often happens that following the onset of pregnancy, a woman finds out that her husband has infected her, ”says the psychotherapist.

The most reliable way to protect yourself, doctors remind, is to use condoms. Foams, lubricants, and other products can save you from other infections, but they won’t save you from HIV, says Roza Mukhametova.

“The condom must be properly sized and properly worn. A common mistake of inexperienced men is that they do not know how to use this contraceptive. When the condom is put on incorrectly, air is formed on the tip of the condom, which is called a “semen receptacle”. As the air moves, it becomes larger and larger, resulting in a bubble that can burst. I talk regarding this with every man at the reception, and it turns out that many use condoms incorrectly. We have to explain to them so that they cannot infect anyone. I explain to them that before putting on a condom, the sperm receptacle must be clamped with your fingers, there should be no air there,” she explains.

You can get infected at a manicure, at a tattoo artist or during a piercing. If you decide on these procedures, follow the sterility of the instruments

Photo: © Vladimir Vasiliev / “Tatar-inform”

“HIV can only kill 70% alcohol”

In the practice of Roza Mukhametova, there was even such a case when spouses with many children became infected.

“The family is very good, they have three children, they have been together for many years. The husband has a complete alibi – he is a blood donor, that is, his blood is constantly checked. And the woman is diagnosed with HIV. It turned out that she, saving time, invited the manicurist home. How the instruments are processed is not clear. Apparently, through small wounds, she became infected. These masters do not have any medical documents, they do not even know that only 70% alcohol can kill HIV. A 96 percent solution of alcohol embalms the virus, that is, it leaves it alive, ”the doctor gave an example.

You can get infected in the same way from a tattoo artist or during a piercing. Therefore, if you decide on these procedures, follow the sterility of the instruments, advises Roza Mukhametova.

Doctors remind: regular HIV testing (at least once a year) is a responsible and correct step that can save both your life and the lives of other people, including your loved ones. HIV testing can be done anonymously and free of charge.

Photo on the introduction: © Mikhail Zakharov / “Tatar-inform”

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