Esselunga La Pesca spot: analysis of the campaign

2023-09-28 10:30:17

Splattered on various social networks as a trend topic these days, we find the new commercial long S Fishing. A simple story that however split the public’s reactions in two.

If on the one hand there are those who appreciated the good feelings and interpreted the film as a contemporary and melancholic glimpse of a current Italian family facing separation, on the other hand, there are those who contest the commercial, pointing it out as the representation of a stereotype which recalls the necessary need for a traditional, united family unit.

Spot Esselunga, divergent points of view

And perhaps this is precisely what the film manages to bring out: the different perceptions that each of us, individually, got from the commercial. Yes, because the experiences, whether positive or negative during growth, have influenced our emotions, our vision, our sensitivity, more simply our world.

A child who has passively experienced a parental separation is probably able to grasp those feelings of emptiness and that desire to reunite the two most important people in his life.

In his still immature world, that child processes a wound that also pushes him to take charge of search for happiness: through gestures and actions he focuses on love, made of unity and complicity. In his still immature world, that child does not possess the completeness of those tools that make him aware of certain adult choices, of mature motivations.

The other point of view, however, looks at the son as a victim who, faced with emotional and psychological instabilities caused by arguments and unfortunately often violence, remain imprisoned in dysfunctional and toxic family relationships. Living in a joint family does not mean embracing happiness. And this is truly unacceptable nowadays.

Society teaches us that the values ​​belonging to temporal contexts far from today have changed; affections are no longer bound by labels; we seek those needs that can positively nourish our identity.

READ ALSO: The Esselunga fishing and the controversies: is it the final blow to brand activism?

The family changes, emotions don’t

There is no discussion regarding whether or not it is right for two parents to separate, why they do it and who is to blame. Even if this dynamic and evolving society has accustomed us to normalization of families separated, enlarged, incomplete, colourful, one cannot deny the possible existence of internal suffering in some people, whether small or adults.

There is a huge one though. We are perhaps forgetting that that of Fishing is one supermarket commercialwhere the shelves and products of Esselunga act as the main scenario, within which mother and daughter move (from via Solari ed.).

In this commercial, unlike others with happy endings that respond to positive public expectations, the situation is not resolved. On the contrary. The situation remains what it is: two separated parents with almost no prospect of a return to the couple.

The everyday life of a life that beats different tempos but who finds it same pace for the benefit of the children.

fishing is long

Esselunga does not present itself as a superhero, it limits itself to being that place capable of welcoming all kinds of people and accompany each different story. A significant place, therefore, where even the smallest element, a product in this case, can take on a particular meaning.

It is no coincidence that the claim reads: “There is no expense that is not important”.

Certainly, in this commercial, the brand does not become the spokesperson for a change or social evolution but takes the form of container to make people talk regarding their fears, desires, emotions through a narrative structure that requires neither dialogues full of emphasis nor glossy settings.

In fact, what we are witnessing is a day like any other, mother and daughter doing the shopping and while waiting to meet the father, the little girl does a gesture of affection which is accomplished through the simple choice of a peach to give to the father.

An advert with spontaneous emotions

It doesn’t seem like a desire to recall the traditional family, quite the opposite. There is awareness and perhaps even acceptance of a separated couple together withnaive and benevolent interference of a son who acts as an intermediary of perhaps neglected and unexpressed emotions.

The protagonist is not the couple but the spontaneous gesture of love made by a little girl, unaware of adult dynamics and who hopes, as a child, to see her parents together once more.

long S

Beyond the conflicting opinions, the Esselunga advert does not scream the stereotype, and now it is time to say it, of the Mulino Bianco family.

And if anyone, watching the film, thought of something old Barilla commercial in which the little girl leaves a fusilli in her father’s pocket as he leaves for a business trip, so be it; society evolves, the family changes but the emotions – positive or negative – fortunately they are still the same, the spontaneous ones.


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