Esports News: Virginia Calvo, FaZe Clan, Kick, and the IeSF Standoff

2023-09-06 05:55:06

Sixth program of the season and we come loaded with little things. We start by talking regarding Virginia Calvo, named by Forbes as one of the most creative people in business in 2023. Hello esports!

Also, we are talking regarding more things… FaZe Clan is giving what seems to be its last blows… Kick, on the other hand, seems to be going like a shot and might be a real alternative to Twitch… And the IeSF continues to carry the Russian issue.

All this and much more on video at YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitch, Twitter and Facebook, and in audio on iVoox, Apple Podcast and Spotify.

#RUSH #Virginia #Calvo #Giants #among #creative #people #Forbes

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