Esoteric Lorca: the poet who predicted his own death and who participated in Santeria ceremonies

  • Víctor Amela and Ana Iris Simón visit ‘Fourth Millennium’ to analyze the figure of one of our most illustrious characters

  • Federico García Lorca even predicted his death through poetry: “When the pure forms sank under the cri cri of the daisies, I understood that they had murdered me…”

Federico García Lorca He is without a doubt one of the great artists of all time in our country. Poet, playwright and prose writerthe man from Granada, in addition to his artistic side, had another that was not so well known but which ‘Fourth Millennium’ is willing to reveal.

Another Lorca, the esoteric, whom He was interested in mystery themeslas fairies or Afro-Cuban Santeria. The poet attended several Santeria ceremonies, and even He recreated his own death on occasionsceremonies that frightened Dalí himself.

Federico García Lorca faking his own

To talk regarding this esoteric Lorca, the ship of mystery has the invaluable visit of Víctor Amela and Ana Iris Simóntwo great experts on the figure of one of our most illustrious characters.

Víctor Amela has said in ‘Fourth Millennium’ that from a very young age Federico felt deeply attracted to the world of mystery: “Being just a child, one night, he felt terrified looking at the stars because He had the feeling that the sky would fall on him“And for Lorca the world of the universe, the stars and the moon had a fundamental role in his creations.

But Lorca also He even predicted his own death. in a poem he wrote in New York years before his assassination at the hands of the coup forces: “When the pure forms sank under the cri cri of the daisies, I realized that they had murdered me…“.

Some works by Federico García




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