Escalating Violence in Lebanese University: Urgent call for student safety and justice

2023-06-28 13:12:46

The Department of the Lebanese University in the interest of the students of the “Lebanese Forces” condemned, in a statement, “in the strongest terms, the continuous escape of bullets in the regions, which resulted in the injury of the 19-year-old with a bullet in his shoulder in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture – Branch II during an organized activity on the campus of the college.” Celebrating the end of the academic year.

The department asked: “How long will our students remain hostage to the lethality of weapons and the absence of security and law in a state ruled by a mini-state? And how long will our youth remain dead projects because of those who work to weaken the prestige of the state?”

The department called on the security forces to “redouble efforts to arrest the shooter, refer him to the competent court, and impose the most severe penalties on him, so that he could serve as an example to all those who easily break the laws and endanger the lives of the safe.”

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