Ernesto Zedillo attacks AMLO’s judicial reform

Ernesto Zedillo attacks AMLO’s judicial reform

MEXICO CITY.- The former president Ernesto Zedillo spoke for the first time about the political situation in Mexico after years of silence, due to the approval of the reform of the Judiciary proposed by the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

During the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association (IBA for its acronym in English), Zedillo denounced that the call ‘Fourth Transformation’ seeks to turn “democracy into tyranny.”

Ernesto Zedillo attacks judicial reform

Within the framework of the celebrations for the Independence of Mexico, and a few days after the approval of the judicial reform, Zedillo considered that the issue merits breaking his personal rule of “self-censorship.”

AMLO’s constitutional reforms “will destroy the Judiciary and, with it, bury Mexican democracy and what remains of its fragile rule of law.”

Zedillo denounced that the president’s “frustration” due to the lack of submission of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation evolved until it became a “brutal come:

“The president’s frustration at not having a submissive Court has evolved into a “brutal revenge: the destruction of independence.”

“The Executive has been relentless, not only questioning the rulings of judges and ministers when they have not aligned with its preferences, but also by insulting the Judiciary as an institution and the ministers individually,” he said.

In his speech, the former president claimed that the reform only seeks to ensure that the Judiciary is at the service of the political force in power.

I also question that the 4T appoints people to the Court who do not meet the requirements of independence, professionalism and even ethics.

The next judges and magistrates will not obey the law, but the dominant political power.

“This risk will be increased because the new regime will also have the means to punish the ‘disobedient,’” he warned.

Q4 will turn democracy into tyranny

Remembering that this reform occurs in commemoration of the anniversary of independence, he said that with it the dreams of heroes like Miguel Hidalgo and of Morelos.

“The anti-patriots of that time, with their evil, transformed our splendid and promising Independence into misery for the people.”

He said that during the four “historical transformations” that President López Obrador frequently alludes to, there were also “anti-patriates” that led to dictatorships.

“We already know why they are postulated as the fourth transformation,” he indicated.

“They don’t talk about Independence, Reform and Revolution. “They refer to the crimes that transformed those extraordinary and promising episodes in our history into tragedy for the Nation.”

“This is exactly what the fourth transformation seeks: transforming our democracy into tyranny,” he concluded.

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#Ernesto #Zedillo #attacks #AMLOs #judicial #reform
2024-09-29 04:46:08



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