Ernest Sato: A Key Figure in Bakumatsu Restoration History 2024

2024-03-19 21:00:00

A Visit to the History of the Bakumatsu Restoration 2024

Exploring the history of the Bakumatsu and Meiji Restorations 2024 (12) British diplomat Ernest Sato and the Bakumatsu Meiji Restoration – Great man who determined Japan-UK relations ①

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(Akihiro Machida: Historian)

The uniqueness of Ernest Sato, a foreigner and the history of the Bakumatsu Meiji Restoration

If you were to name a foreigner who colored the history of the end of the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration, who would you imagine? Perry from the Treaty of Peace, Harris from the Treaty of Commerce, Glover from the arms dealer, Parkes from the British Minister, etc. Of course, their influence on Japan at the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji Restoration period is immeasurable. However, there is one person we must not forget: British interpreter Ernest Sato.

To begin with, Sato was able to speak Japanese better than anyone else who came to Japan during this period. He was the only Westerner who could read and write cursive texts. This is surprising since he is said to have corresponded with Hirobumi Ito and Kaoru Inoue at the end of the Edo period. In addition, Sato has had many interactions with many great figures from the end of the Edo period. Let me give Sato’s personal review. Both are based on Sato’s book “The Meiji Restoration as seen by a diplomat.”

[Tokugawa Yoshinobu]The Shogun is one of the most aristocratic-looking Japanese people I have ever seen. He had a beautiful face, a high forehead, a well-shaped nose, and was a truly fine gentleman.

[Takamori Saigo]He had big eyes that sparkled like black diamonds, and the way he smiled when he spoke gave me an indescribable sense of familiarity. He’s just a very smart guy, but he doesn’t open up to me very easily, which makes it a bit difficult.

[Komatsu Tateto]He is the most attractive person among the Japanese people I know. He comes from a family of chief retainers, but he has political talent that befits a person of that class, has a good attitude, and is very friendly. He was outstanding in this respect. His complexion was also fairer than normal, but his large mouth detracted from his good looks.

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[Takamitsu Kido]A very calm and polite person. When he discusses the political situation, he speaks very passionately.

These character reviews will give us some kind of new image of a person that everyone knows.

This time, I would like to follow in detail the life of Sato, who left a huge mark on the history of the end of the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration, and clarify in five parts how he was a more important person than other foreigners. In addition, in this series, the year, month, and date are mainly written in the Western calendar, with the Japanese calendar being written as a sub.

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